Couples Therapy(part 2)

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Danny sat with his arms crossed next to Steve. They were alone for this session of therapy.

Sexual compatibility.

Loraine was their therapist once again.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand why we can't skip this one, we're not in an actual relationship," Danny gestured between him and Steve.

"I'm with Danny on this one," Steve nodded. He couldn't imagine what they would even talk about.

"That may be true, but I sense a bit of sexual tension between the two of you," Loraine spoke not looking up from her folder she was sifting through.

"I'm sorry did you say sexual tension?" Steve blinked at the woman like she'd lost her mind.

"I did," She smiled up at him briefly.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Danny frowned, his tone giving way to his irritation.

"Not at all, Detective. When two people spend so much time together, there is a natural tension that can be created without either of you knowing about it. Are either of you into men?" Loraine asked politely.

Steve and Danny stared at the woman with slack jaws, neither one daring to respond.

"I understand that admitting that can be difficult for some, especially when you're not sure how the people in your life will accept it, but I assure you this is a safe place and I truly feel your partner would be understanding," Loraine spoke kindly, her eyes darting between Steve and Danny.

Once again neither one spoke up.

"Perhaps we can start with something a little easier. Have either of you ever experimented with another man?"


"Okay, how about I ask if either of you would judge the other based on their answer? Commander let's start with you, would you be uncomfortable upon learning that Detective Williams might be interested in men?"

Steve looked over at the tense blonde next to him, "Of course not, some of my best friends in the Navy were gay."

"And Detective, would you be uncomfortable upon learning that Commander McGarrett might be interested in men?" Loraine turned to Danny.

"No, not at all," Danny shook his head.

"Okay, now let's go back to the previous question, have either of you experimented with another man?"

"I dabbled, a bit," Steve said, clearing his throat.

"Very good," Loraine smiled at Steve's honesty, "Detective?"

Danny shifted in his seat some, "Yes." His tone was quiet, and he gave no details.

"Have either of you dated a man?" Loraine asked as she scribbled in her notebook.

"I have," Danny answered first this time.

"I've never dated a man, per say," Steve answered, his shoulders going rigid.

"Would you care to elaborate?" Loraine asked, looking with up curious eyes.

Danny frowned in confusion as well, his eyes glancing at his partner.

"In the Navy we didn't' get much free time. I was with...someone, but it was only ever...physical," Steve spoke stiffly and avoided looking at Danny.

"When you left the Navy did you ever think to reconnect with this person?" Loraine asked then, back to scribbling.

"No, we went our separate ways and I started...seeing someone else. When I left the Navy, she and I became official." Steve answered, the tension not leaving his shoulders.

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