For better or worse(part 3)

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Danny was cutting the potatoes for the potato salad when his phone rang.

"Steve, babe, can you get that for me?" Danny called out the back door where Steve was grilling the steaks.

Steve walked in and grabbed Danny's phone off the table where he'd left it.

"Hey, Grace," Steve answered with a large grin.

Danny smiled fondly at his partner. He loved how Steve was with Grace and Charlie, like they were his own kids.

"Uh, yes, we really did get married," Steve's eyes darted to Danny who hurriedly put the knife down.

He'd forgotten about the text he sent to Grace.

"Put her on speaker," Danny demanded.

"Hold on Grace, I'm putting you on speaker, Danno's here,"

"Hey, Grace," Danny spoke, his tone full of guilt.

"Danno, you married uncle Steve?" Grace asked as Steve set the phone on the counter between him and Danny.

"Yeah, listen, you didn't tell your mother about that did you?" Danny asked nervously.

"No, I'm at Amanda's house, I haven't been home today."

"Good, do me a favor, let's keep this between you and I, alright?"


Danny sighed. He'd not been looking forward to telling Grace that their marriage was a huge accident. What kind of example was he setting for his seventeen-year-old daughter?

"Look, last night..." Danny paused unsure of how to phrase it.

"We were drugged," Steve piped in then. "While under the influence your father and I thought it would be funny to get married."

"Wait, you mean you didn't confess to each other how much you love each other?" Grace laughed into the phone.

"Very funny, Grace," Danny quipped, with a roll of his eyes.

"No seriously, are you guys okay?" Grace asked, all humor gone from her tone.

"Yeah, we're fine, other than some memory loss and the fact that I'm now married to your father," Steve grinned at Danny.

Grace laughed again.

"This will all be resolved by tomorrow," Danny added.

"Okay, well I think you two make a cute couple, for the record."

Danny's heart flipped. He had Grace's approval. He'd always worried that Grace wouldn't like the idea of Danny with Steve. Not that it really mattered.

"Thank you, Grace. You must get your sweet disposition from your mother," Steve winked at Danny.

"Okay that'll do. Goodnight, Grace, I love you," Danny cut in.

"Goodnight, Grace," Steve added with a smirk.

"Night, Uncle Steve, love you, Danno."

Steve ended the call, a smile still stuck on his lips.

"What's the look for?" Danny frowned going back to the potatoes.

"I got Grace's approval," Steve seemed pleased with himself.

"Of course she approves of you, you spoil her with concert tickets," Danny scoffed.

"It was a birthday present," Steve rolled his eyes.

"Her birthday was four months away," Danny waved the knife he was holding as he spoke.

"Whoa, easy there," Steve laughed catching Danny's wrist, turning the blonde to face him.

The pair were less than two feet apart.

Danny's eyes flitted to Steve's lips.

"I know you're uptight about this whole thing but-"

"Uptight? Who's uptight? I'm not uptight. I'm irritated because I'm married and I don't remember agreeing to it," Danny huffed.

"You're right, not uptight at all," Steve smiled, his hand still holding Danny's wrist.

"Do you still not remember anything?" Danny asked.

Steve shook his head before finally releasing Danny, but he made no move to put space between them.

"Max said it'll come back to us, but it's been almost a day," Danny sighed, turning back to the cutting board.

"I'm honestly glad we can't remember," Steve shrugged.

"What? Why?" Danny scoffed.

"I'm worried it'll only piss you off further," Steve took a step back from Danny then.

"Steve," Danny let out a huff, "I'm not pissed, I'm...frustrated," He hated seeing Steve upset because of him.

"I know marriage is a big deal to you but it's just me. It's not like I'm some girl you've been dating for a few months," Steve hoped Danny would understand that this didn't have to be a big deal.

"Just you? Steve, you're my best friend and my partner, you're an important person in my life. That's why this is a big deal. And if the governor doesn't let us annul this, I'll be married to you for the next year. You'll be my ex-husband. I don't want that. I don't ever want a negative connotation tied to our relationship like that," Danny was gesturing with the large knife once again.

"I guess I could convince you to fall in love with me so we can stay married forever," Steve teased gently.

Danny laughed, but the laughter didn't reach his eyes. Steve understood what Danny was saying and part of him felt bad that this happened. He never wanted to hurt Danny.

Steve turned to tend to the grill once more when Dana spoke up. Steve and Danny had forgotten she was evaluating them. She'd truly been like a fly on the wall.

"It's time I headed out. I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to be a part of this and I hope things work out for you both," She smiled warmly at the pair.

"Oh, right, of course. Thank you for any good words you put in to the governor for us," Steve winked.

Dana laughed gently as she pulled out two small envelopes, "I would like to leave these with both of you upon my departure. It's just my notes on your interviews, I think you might find them interesting," She handed them each an envelope before excusing herself.

Steve stared down at his name scribbled on his envelope.

Danny set his aside and went back to cooking.

"You're not going to read yours?" Steve asked as he opened his.

"I'm not big on therapy, you know that. I don't really care to see what she had to say. I know I've got issues. I don't need to hear it from some stranger," Danny dismissed the letter with a flick of his wrist.

Steve shrugged as he took his letter out to the grill to check on the steaks.

Steve frowned at the words Dana had scribbled on the page.

"Tell him," is all it said. With a huff and roll of his eyes, he shoved the paper back into the envelope. So much for notes on his interview.

Steve plucked the steaks from the coals and placed them on a plate.

"What'd the note say?" Danny asked when Steve walked in with a plate of meat.

"Nothing of interest," Steve shrugged. He tossed the note in the trash as he passed by it.

Danny frowned, but didn't push it. He glanced at his untouched letter. He was curious what Dana had written in his note, but he really didn't need any terrible advice about being more open and honest. That just wasn't an option; not with Steve.

McDanno Oneshots(closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora