Couples Therapy(part 3)

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Steve opened the door to their shared room, halting at the sight in front of him.

"One bed?" Danny groaned.

"I didn't know," Steve shrugged innocently.

Danny dropped his bag on the floor in front of the lone bed.

"It's only one night," Steve pointed out. He felt guilty. He knew how frustrated Danny was about this whole trip.

"Crashing your couch for a week was hell, much less sleeping in a bed next to you," Danny quipped recalling the week he'd been looking for a new apartment.

"What are you talking about? We had so much fun," Steve nudged his partner playfully.

"Fun? Fun? I don't call fighting over the remote, fun. Or arguing over who got to pick dinner, or what time the tv went off," Danny scoffed sitting on the edge of the bed. He rubbed at his eyes tiredly. He'd spent all evening sitting across from Steve at their 'romantic dinner' trying to tell himself that he didn't have feelings for his partner. Now he had to share a bed with him?

Steve noticing Danny's frustration took a seat next to the blonde, "Look, man, I'm sorry I screwed up. I just wanted a break from therapy, and I thought this would be more tailored towards work partners partners," Steve apologized.

"I know. I just hate therapy. There's a reason I didn't try it with Rachel. Adding a third person to your problems only creates more," Danny huffed, looking up tiredly at Steve.

"You think being here is going to make things worse?" Steve frowned. He thought today had gone well, considering.

"She thinks we have sexual tension, Steven. As if we didn't have enough to worry about, now we have to question that too."

Steve's frown deepened, "You're worried about that?"

"How are you not? We're both into men apparently. Maybe she's right," Danny threw his hands up in frustration.

"What are you saying?" Steve asked, the frown not leaving his face.

"I don't know what I'm saying," Danny waved a dismissive hand and dropped his head.


"I'm gonna take a walk, it's been a long day and I need a minute," Danny cut in then. He stood up and headed for the door.

Steve watched as his partner walked out. He wanted to follow but he knew when Danny needed to be left alone and right now was one of those times. In fact, he was actually relieved because now he was alone and he could use that time to call Chin.

Chin answered on the third ring, "McGarrett, I wasn't expecting to hear from you until tomorrow? How's the retreat going?"

"Not good," Steve sighed out, "I accidentally signed us up for a couple's retreat, as in married couples. Danny hates me and I'm not sure what to do because I think I'm in trouble."

Chin laughed, "Danny will get over it, but I may schedule a few days' vacation for him, if you're worried."

"No, it's not's..." Steve trailed off.

"What's wrong?" Chin asked sensing Steve was genuinely stressed.

"Remember that guy Nathaniel I told you about?" Steve asked. He had accidentally mentioned it to him one night a while back.

"Yeah, the SEAL you were with for a time, right?"

"Yeah, well Danny knows now too and not only that, but I learned that Danny's into guys too. Our therapist thinks we have sexual tension. I never really though anything of it before but I think she's right. We've had to do all these couply things and Chin, I think I have feelings for Danny," Steve's tone was stressed as he paced the small room.

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