Borrowed time

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"You don't think it's weird? I mean they've only known each other a few months at best and now they're getting married?" Steve shook his head as he cut the vegetables for dinner.

"I think that they're both on borrowed time and they love each other. Who cares how long they've known each other? Aunt Deb is happy right?" Danny asked as he set the table.

"Happier than I've ever seen her," Steve sighed.

"Then that's all that should matter. I mean what would you do if you found someone and only had a year to live?" Danny waved a fork around before placing it down next to one of the plates.

Steve pondered that for a moment. He'd never thought about what it would be like to be in his Aunt's shoes. She'd never been married.

Steve had been with Catherine, but it had been almost six months since she'd gone to Afghanistan. It was over between them, he knew that. But he'd never imagined not seeing her again. What if he never saw his team again? What if he died on a case? How many thing would he regret not doing?

Steve looked over at his partner. His chest tightened uncomfortably as he imagined never seeing Danny again. He loved Cath, sure, but not like he loved Danny. But everyone expected him to love Catherine, so he ignored the way he felt for his partner. But now, thinking about what he would do if he were in his Aunt's shoes, he knew he'd want to tell Danny how he really felt.

A knock at the door tore Steve from his thoughts.

"Danno," Grace ran into Danny's arms, a bookbag on her back.

"Hey, monkey, you ready to help us plan a party for Uncle Steve's Aunt?" Danny asked taking the bag from Grace.

"Is there gonna be cake?" She asked, looking at Steve.

"Is there gonna be cake? Of course there's gonna be cake, and you get to help pick it out," Steve grinned, pulling her into a hug.

He watched then as she followed Danny up the stairs to the spare room. He'd asked for Danny and Grace to stick around for the weekend so they could plan the wedding. He'd promised his Aunt Deb that he would take care of everything. Mary wouldn't be in town until a few days before the wedding.

"I got her all set up in the spare room," Danny said reappearing in the kitchen just as Steve set the food on the table.

"Thanks for helping out, man, I really appreciate it," Steve smiled at his partner.

"I couldn't let your poor Aunt Deb have a wedding planned by just you. Her cake would be shaped like a grenade if I did and the tux would be cargo pants somehow," Danny quipped with a teasing grin.

"Ha ha, very funny."

"Can I go swimming after dinner?" Grace asked as she took a seat next to Danny at the table.

"You absolutely can" Steve grinned at the young girl. She'd grown so much in the five years he'd known her.

"You have to eat your vegetables though, otherwise you're legs will cramp up and you'll drown," Danny teased.

"Danno," Grace rolled her eyes.

"Who taught you to roll your eyes? You learn that from your mother? No, you learned that from uncle Steve, didn't you," Danny asked in mock offense.

Steve winked at Grace. He loved having Danny and Grace stay with him. Sure they'd come over for dinner before, but this was different. What if they lived with him? What if they had dinner together every night? What if instead of uncle Steve, he was dad? The thought caused a lump to form in Steve's throat. He reached for his glass and tried to push the idea out of his head. That would never happen.

"Hey, you alright?" Danny's hand reached out, landing on Steve's shoulder gently.

Steve only nodded, not trusting his voice.


Steve scrubbed a hand over his mouth in frustration. Five cakes sat before him.

"Uncle Steve, we're gonna be late for dinner," Grace reminded the man gently.

"You see what I have to put up with?" Danny winked at Grace.

"How am I supposed to pick one? This wedding has to be perfect," Steve huffed, his eyes never leaving the cakes.

"Well Mary told you that Aunt Deb's favorite flavor is white, so we go with white cake," Danny pointed to the cake on the far end.

"That's one's also white," Steve pointed to the one on the other end.

"I thought you didn't like that one cause it's not buttercream frosting?" Danny frowned.

"Buttercream is the best," Steve nodded thoughtfully.

"We can do any design in any flavor with any kind of frosting," The baker piped in then.

"Why would you tell him that? You can't give this man options, we've been here for almost an hour, we've got reservations. Don't give him options," Danny waved his hands around as he spoke.

"I think this one is the prettiest," Grace pointed at the one in middle. It had lilies decorating the simple white layers with soft pink petals.

"Okay, then let's do that design with white cake and buttercream frosting," Steve turned to Grace then, "If she hates it, I'm blaming you," Steve winked, nudging Grace's chin softly.

She let out a laugh that caused Danny to smile. That smile made Steve's stomach flip. He loved when Danny smiled like that. It was a genuine happy smile. He didn't wear it terribly often.

"Your daughter is very sweet, you two have done a wonderful job raising her," The woman smiled before disappearing into the back.

Steve stared after the woman with a surprised look. He'd never been mistaken for Grace's father before.

Grace let out a giggle.

Steve turned to see Danny smirking at him.

"Ready, babe?" Danny was trying to hold back a laugh.

The warmth at the woman's comment that settled in his stomach suddenly turned cold. Steve forced a smile and nodded. He didn't want his partner to see how much it hurt him that he would never get to experience fatherhood with Danny.

He suddenly understood why Aunt Deb was getting married. Marriage is something she'd always wanted, and this was her last chance to take it. He would absolutely do the same thing in her shoes.

(Request for a dear Ao3 reader)

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