For better or worse(part 4)

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Danny was eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table the next morning when the note that had been given to him by Dana caught his eye. He never had opened it. With a sigh he stood up to fetch the damn thing.

He sat back down as he unfolded the sheet of paper. Inside it read, "Sometimes admitting something is the hardest thing we can do, but sometimes it is also the most freeing."

"What the hell am I supposed to do with that?" Danny quipped as he tossed the letter aside. It made him wonder what Steve's letter had said.

Danny eyed the trash can. Steve had tossed it in there before dinner the night before. He stood, taking his bowl to the sink and debated on looking at the letter.

Steve was still asleep, and it wasn't like he would ever know that Danny had read it.

Finally conceding, he opened the lid too see the letter sitting on top. He slipped the page out of his envelope to see the words, "Tell him," on it.

Dread washed over Danny, was Steve keeping something from him? Did he remember something from the other night? Danny dropped the envelope back into the trash but held onto the note itself. Why would Steve keep something from him? He had always been honest with Steve.

Just then he heard Steve coming down the stairs. Danny hurriedly shoved the note into the envelope with his.

"Morning, Danny," Steve smiled tiredly as his partner.

"Hey," Danny tried not to show that something was bothering him. He didn't want to jump into an argument so early in the morning.

"You made coffee," Steve smiled at the already full coffee pot.

"Course, I know how you are without your coffee," Danny gave a small smile. He tried to push the thoughts of Steve's note from his mind.

"What's with the constipation face?" Steve frowned as he poured himself a cup.

"I don't have constipation face," Danny scoffed.

"You opened the letter," Steve noted the opened envelope inside.

Danny stiffened slightly.

"She say something you didn't like?" Steve asked gently.

"Something like that," Danny shrugged. He wondered if Steve would admit to whatever it was she'd been talking about on his own.

"Don't let her get to you man," Steve said taking a seat across from Danny.

"Her note clearly didn't bother you," Danny gauged Steve's reaction.

He only gave a shrug, "It didn't say anything I didn't already know."

Danny frowned but decided to change the subject slightly, "You remember anything from the other night?"

"I remember dinner and going to the club. I remember talking to that Jason guy, but not clearly," Steve shrugged.

"That's it?" Danny wanted to believe Steve, but he was clearly keeping something from Danny and he knew he needed to tell him.

"Yeah, why? You remember something?" Steve asked with a slight tilt of his head.

"No, not much," Danny huffed. Was Steve worried about his reaction?

"If you knew something, you'd tell me, right?" Danny asked then. It was driving him crazy not knowing what that letter had meant by 'tell him'.

"Yeah, of course. I'm just as curious as you are," Steve nodded.

Danny had known Steve for years and he'd gotten pretty good at telling when his partner was lying, and it just didn't seem like he was. That made the note all that more confusing.

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