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Steve watched as his sister paced the living room of their old house. He was freshly out of the Navy and staying with Mary in their father's house. Steve had left the Navy to be closer to Mary and her daughter after their father's passing.

"Come on Steve, I don't want to go alone. It'll be fun and who knows, maybe you'll meet someone cute," Mary whined, giving her older brother puppy dog eyes.

"You go, I'll babysit Joan," Steve insisted, gesturing to the back porch where the six-year-old was coloring with chalk.

"She's gonna be staying with my friend Kono, now come on. You love working out," Mary tried again.

"Fine, but I am not signing up for some trainer and I don't know why you need to. I could train you myself," Steve shrugged standing from the couch.

"And like I said before, I'd rather throw myself off a cliff," Mary smiled gleefully. "I'll get my things."


Steve wasn't sure why his sister was so insistent on him going to the gym with her. He wasn't out of shape. He'd barely been out of the Navy a month. She claimed he needed a hobby, but he fished, that was a hobby.

"Mary McGarrett," The blonde gave her name to the front receptionist.

"Hi Mary, I'll get Adam," The man behind the counter smiled up at Mary. His blue eyes shining as he spoke.

"Thanks," She beamed before turning to Steve. "This is my brother."

"I can work with that," The guy grinned, his eyes raking down Steve carefully.

"What? Work with what?" Steve frowned, glancing at Mary with a frown.

"Danny Williams, Mary called ahead and set you two up with trainers. You'll be training under me," Danny smiled at Steve.

Steve shot a glare at his sister. He wanted to be mad, but this Danny guy was good looking. He could survive one session.

"Don't be mad, I thought it would be fun," Mary nudged Steve just as another man came out from the back room.

"Mary, Hey, Danny told me you signed up for training. I'm glad I could convince you," A dark haired man spoke.

"Adam, hey," Mary gave a wide grin as she tossed her brother a thumbs up and followed the other trainer away.

"You can follow me," Danny said to Steve.

Steve let out a heavy sigh but didn't object.

"We'll start off easy, don't worry," Danny winked.

Steve's insides melted a little. This guy was charming.

"I uh, I don't want to dismiss your work here but I'm a Navy SEAL, I'm not exactly out of shape," Steve glanced around at the other people in the gym, wondering where he would be training.

"In my experience, you military people are only skilled in one thing. I'll be able to expand your skills," Danny lead Steve into a small room.

"Define skills for me," Steve frowned down at the slim rubber mat on the floor.

"Yoga," Danny answered.

"I'm sorry did you say yoga?" Steve balked at the shorter man.

"Your sister told me you were in the Army-"


"-so I made accommodations to my typical training program. Yoga focuses your strength in areas you might not think you need it," Danny continued easily.

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