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It wasn't like Danny didn't know Steve was competitive. He'd always claimed it to be Steve's biggest downfall. However, he had no idea how competitive Steve could be when it came to Danny, but he was about to find out.

"So our vic is a twenty seven year old male. He died from blunt force trauma to the back of the head and was found this morning on the stage of the annual spicy pepper eating contest," Kono pointed at the screen where the pictures from the crime scene were laid out.

"Wait, did he die on the pepper pedestal or was he put there?" Danny frowned pointing at the picture of the dead body. There didn't look to be enough blood for that to be the primary crime scene.

All heads turned to look at the blonde.

"What did you just call it?" Steve asked with a teasing grin already on his face.

"The pepper pedestal. That's what it's called. It the annual chili challenge, right? They call the stage the pepper pedestal," Danny shrugged, gesturing heavily towards the pictures.

"Do I even want to know how you know that?" Lou asked, blinking at Danny.

"You know what, just forget it," Danny huffed.

"No. No, I'd like to know too," Chin smiled at the shorter man.

"An ex of mine used to join every year when it came through Jersey. It was a big deal to him," Danny spoke dismissively. Obviously not wanting to dwell, he pointed at the picture again but before he could say anything else, Steve spoke up.

"You didn't tell me that," Steve crossed his arms with a pout as he looked at Danny.

"I didn't have a reason to," Danny shrugged again.

"Which ex was this?"


"The tall one that flew you out to France for your one year anniversary?"

"I don't see how that's relevant, but yes."

"The same one that broke your heart cause he left you for a woman?"

"Thank you for the reminder. Yes. Why?"

"Just making sure," Steve gave a smile before turning back to the screen.

Danny let out a huff but decided not to push it. They had a case to solve.

"So did he die there, or was it...staged?" Danny grinned at his own joke, earning groans from the other team members.


"So was he any good?" Steve asked as they walked away from interviewing the contest runner.

"I'm sorry?" Danny frowned at his partner.

"Your ex, was he any good?"

"Any good?" Why was Steve asking about his ex?

"Yeah, did he win the spicy statue?" Steve asked, gesturing at the large metal pepper trophy on display.

"Oh, yeah actually, he won third the first year and first the second year," Danny nodded.

Steve only gave a grunt as they continued walking. He paused in front of the large winners board that was set up at the sign up sheet. His eyes scanned the many winners over the years. Only first placers were on the board. Steve frowned when his eyes landed on a picture of Danny with a man next to him. The man was taller and dark haired, much like himself. He was holding up the trophy with one hand and his other was wrapped around Danny who was smiling up at Justin like he was the sun.

"Steve?" Danny reached out to touch the other man's arm.

"You're on here," Steve said not looking away from the picture. The way Danny's arm was wrapped around his ex and his other hand placed firmly on his chest. It was classic proud Danny.

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