Taste it

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The knock on Danny's door came much too early. It was a Saturday and his one day to sleep in. Whoever was on the other side of that door better have a good excuse.

Danny pulled himself out of bed and towards the living room.

"Danny?" Steve's voice called out making the blonde groan audibly.

"Steve, what the hell are you doing in my house at seven a.m. on a Saturday?" Danny squinted tiredly at his partner.

"You weren't answering your phone, we got a case," Steve answered, holding up his own phone.

"Fine, okay, that still doesn't explain how you're inside my house," Danny gestured to the door behind Steve. He knew he'd locked it. He always double checked.

"I still have that spare key you gave me from when you went to Jersey a few months back," Steve shrugged as he took a sip of a coffee.

"I figured you'd still be asleep, so I sent Kono and Chin ahead of us to the crime scene and I bought us breakfast," Steve smiled proudly as he gestured to the bag on the coffee table next to what was presumably Danny's coffee.

"You brought me breakfast?" Okay maybe he could forgive Steve for waking him up at such an ungodly hour on his day off. He did have a good reason after all.

"Course, I even went to that little French Bakery you like to go to," Steve smiled widely.

Danny noted the name on the bag, "Is this so I won't press charges for breaking and entering?" He raised his brows at Steve.

"It wasn't breaking and entering. I have a key. Now go get ready," Steve waved Danny off, taking a seat in the lounge chair.


Danny was buttoning his shirt when a voice spoke from behind him.

"That a new shirt?"

Danny glanced up at the mirror to see Steve watching him from the doorway.

"Yeah, grace got it for me for father's day," Danny nodded, his eyes falling back to the buttons.

"It's nice. Blue suits you," Steve smiled, admiring the dark blue color. He'd always liked Danny in blue. It brought out his eyes.

Danny didn't respond. He didn't know how. Steve had been doing that lately, complimenting Danny in a way that felt a bit too sincere. He was used to the teasing and taunting, but the compliments, they threw him.

"Close you're eyes and open your mouth," Steve said stepping into the room.

"What?" Danny looked up with a frown.

"Close your eyes and open your mouth," Steve said again.

"Are you insane, not I'm not gonna close my eyes and open my mouth," Danny scoffed at the idea.

"What? Come on, I want you to try something," Steve stepped closer to Danny.

"No, it's not happening. You want me try something, offer it to me like a normal human being," Danny waved a hand around taking a step back from Steve.

"Oh come on, couples do it all the time on dates," Steve urged continuing to advance towards his partner.

"We are neither on a date nor a couple, Steve. I'm not doing it. Now come on, don't we have a crime scene to get to?" Danny stepped passed Steve towards where his coffee was waiting for him.


Once in the car, Steve frowned over at his partner next to him.

"Don't give me that look, I was not about to open my mouth and let you stick god knows what in it. I'm sorry it's never gonna happen," Danny huffed. He knew that look too well. He knew Steve too well.

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