For better or worse(part 1)

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Typically when two people get married it's because they're in love or because they think they're in love. Sometimes though alcohol gets involved and next thing they know, they're waking up in a hotel room in Vegas covered in glitter and the smell of cheap booze with a ninety-nine cent bubble gum dispenser ring on their finger.

That isn't what happened with Steve and Danny. Not exactly, at least.

Steve woke first. He was in his bed but he wasn't alone. Glancing over, he paused. Danny was lying next to him.

Steve's eyes widened before checking for clothes under the covers. Thankfully they both had on underwear.

He struggled to recall how they'd gotten there but the night was fuzzy. He and the team had gone out to celebrate the fact that Wo Fat was officially behind bars. A feat they'd been trying to accomplish for years.

So how did Danny end up in his bed?

Deciding not to wake his partner, Steve pulled the covers back, climbing out of bed.

Danny rolled over then with half lidded eyes, "Steve?" The blonde blinked in confusion.

"Morning," Steve smiled tiredly at the confused blonde.

"Where uh...why are you in my room?" Danny sat up slowly, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"You're in my room actually," Steve pointed out.

"What?" Danny snapped his head around, noticing that Steve was right?

"How much did I drink?" Danny asked as Steve headed for his bathroom.

"Honestly I was wondering the same thing, last night is pretty hazy," Steve admitted.

Once he'd finished in the bathroom he headed down to the kitchen to make breakfast while Danny used the bathroom.

"So any clue how I ended up here last night?" Danny asked walking into the kitchen to see Steve squinting at his fridge.

"Nope," Steve closed the fridge door and turned to Danny who ran his hands over his face.

"I'm too hungover to cook. Let's get breakfast out," Steve suggested.

"I'm good with it," Danny went to slide off the stool he was sitting on when Steve grabbed his hand.

"What the hell is that?" Steve asked staring down at Danny's left hand.

Danny frowned, looking down to see what Steve was talking about.

Sitting on his ring finger was a silver wedding band.

"What the hell?" Danny gaped at the piece of jewelry.

"Uh, Danny," Steve's tone pulled Danny away from his panic to see Steve holding up his left hand, which had a matching band on it.

"No, no, no, no," Danny grabbed Steve's hand to compare the rings. They were identical.

"Please tell me this is some kind of joke. If you tell me now, I promise not to kill you," Danny's tone was almost pleading.

Steve didn't respond. He didn't know how.

"What the hell happened last night?" Danny snapped when Steve didn't respond.

"Maybe we should call Chin or Kono," Steve suggested. Maybe they would know.

Steve ran to fetch his phone.

When he came back down the stairs, Danny was pacing.

"Danny, you might want to look at this," Steve held up his phone.

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