Love language(part 3)

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Steve watched Danny stalk off into the house. He let out a heavy sigh before turning back to the grill. The neighbors all went back to talking and murmuring amongst themselves.

Steve knew he shouldn't have lied to Danny about looking at his phone and now Danny was pissed. Maybe he really was just stressed about Rachel being her usual bitchy self. Danny had a tendency of letting her get to him. He should just trust Danny. It wasn't like he couldn't handle himself.

Steve set the fork he was holding down and turned to go after Danny, however, the blonde was already walking towards him.

The pair both paused, staring at the other.

"I'm sorry I checked your phone and then lied about it," Steve conceded first, "I was just worried about you and was hoping to find answers there."

Danny opened his mouth to snap at Steve about how it wasn't his business to find answers, but he stopped himself, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Rachel. I didn't want to upset you or cause a problem between us."

"If you say that you're fine and that Rachel is just being Rachel then I believe you. Danny, I worry about you because I care but if that pushes you away..." Steve trailed off. He couldn't lose Danny not like he had everyone else in his life.

"Steve, you'll never push me away. I'm your partner, nothing's going to change that, especially not Rachel," Danny took a few steps towards Steve. He should have known Steve's insecurities were what motivated him. He'd been lied to and betrayed by so many people it was a wonder Steve trusted anyone.

Steve seemed to deflate with relief.

"I love you, babe, you know that," Danny gave a small smile.

Steve's chest constricted. If only Danny knew how much those words meant to him.

"I love you too."

Awws chorused from the yard bringing Danny and Steve back to the reality. They hadn't realized how naturally romantic their argument had been.

Steve, seeing an opportunity grabbed Danny's face in his hands and pulled him into a kiss.

Danny's hands grabbed Steve's hips to push him away, confused by why his partner would do something like that, when he heard the yard erupt into applause.

Steve pulled back and turned back to the grill with a smug look.

Danny stood stone still. Steve had just kissed him. An inkling of hope wiggled it's way into Danny's chest. Maybe Steve felt the same way he did? He's the one who initiated the kiss after all.

"Wow, okay, cover officially saved," Kono's voice spoke through their earpieces.

Danny glanced at the top window of the house where Chin and Kono were. He saw Kono peering out of the blinds. She gave him a sympathetic smile before disappearing.

Danny went for the book, flipping through the pages of names. The sooner they found the killer the sooner his torture could end.

"I think it's really sweet that you did this, it's so sentimental of you," Natalie spoke up, suddenly next to Danny. She was pointing at the book.

"Yeah, Steve's sentimental that way. It means a lot to him," Danny gave a fake smile, "Did you sign?" He asked.

"Yep, right here," She flipped the page and pointed her perfectly polished fingernail at the name.

Danny's smile fell when he saw the writing. That looked awfully similar to the note they had found in Amy's house.

He quickly put the smile back on and closed the book, "That's great. Enjoy the food." He then took the book inside and up the stairs.

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