Borrowed time(part 3)

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Today was the day. Everything went smoothly much to Steve's surprise. And now he was standing at the end of the aisle waiting to give his Aunt Deb away. While he was waiting for her to join him, he glanced down the aisle.

Something in his chest constricted in a way that made him dizzy. Standing at the end was Danny. He was in a tux with a lei around his neck. He was smiling at Grace who had agreed to be the ring bearer.

Music started to play then, causing him to drag his eyes away from the man he loved.

Everyone took their seat as Steve held out his arm for his Aunt to take.

"Don't wait as long as I did," She whispered in his ear as they started down the aisle.

"What do you mean?" Steve whispered back.

"I see the way you look at him. You've already found the love of your life. I can see it. You look at him the way I look at Leonard."

Steve tried to keep his face neutral, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Thankfully they reached the end of the aisle then.

Steve turned to take his seat next to Danny on the front row.

Danny's smile nearly had Steve's knees buckling. He wanted so badly to kiss his partner that it physically hurt. What had changed all of a sudden that made it so hard to resist the blonde? Could it have been the realization that life was too short? Could it have been the close call of losing Danny just days ago? Could it be he missed having someone now that he and Catherine were over? Maybe it was a combination of all of it.

Steve' drug his thoughts away from the man next to him and concentrated on the couple sharing their vows in front of them.

"I've waited my entire life for someone like you and finally I have found you. I only wish it had been sooner. I know that I would have loved you then just as I do now. Maybe in another life we'll be brought together sooner. Until that time I vow to love you with every ounce of me until my very last breath."

Steve's throat tightened at Leonard's words. He stole a glance at Danny. Could he really live with the regret of not telling him? It had already been too long. The memories they could have made haunted Steve. The laughs, the nights alone, the touches. Steve suddenly felt very warm.

Thankfully at that moment his Aunt Deb and Leonard sealed their marriage with a kiss giving Steve the opportunity to step away as every erupted into applause.

"Steve?" He heard Danny call after him, but he didn't stop. He needed to get away from it all.

As everyone stood up to gather around the newly married couple Steve slipped through the crowd and down towards the beach.

"Steve?" Danny wiggled through the people trying to relocate the Navy SEAL.

"Hey, Chin, did you see where Steve went? He ran off," Danny asked. Steve was nowhere in sight.

"No, why'd he run off?" Chin frowned looking around for his boss.

"I'm not sure. He's been in a weird mood all week," Danny sighed. He had tried to get Steve to talk to him, but the stubborn man had insisted that he was fine.

"I noticed that," Kono piped in then.

"I thought it was just the stress of the wedding. He wanted it to be perfect," Lou added, joining the conversation.

"Danno, why is Uncle Steve down on the beach. He looks sad," Grace asked then, pointing down at the water's edge.

Danny turned and started towards the beach, "Stay here, Grace."

"I know that look," Kono pursed her lips together.

"Good luck, Steve," Lou said with a shake of his head.

Steve ran his hands through his hair as he paced along the beach just out of reach of the crashing waves.

"Steve," Danny's tone caused him to whirl around.

Steve took a half a step back from his partner. He couldn't do this right now. He needed to get himself together. Clear his head.

"What is going on with you? You've been acting strange all week and don't say I'm looking too much into it because Chin, Kono, and Lou noticed too. We thought maybe it was the stress of the wedding but then you bolted as soon as it was over. What is going on?" Danny demanded waving his hands around in an expressive gesture.

Steve stared at Danny with a worried look.

"Hello? Earth to Steven," Danny waved his hand in front of Steve's face.

"I don't' know what you want me to say, Danny, I don't have an answer for you," Steve turned away then, looking out over the sparkling water.

"How about the truth," Danny huffed, his arms crossed over his chest.

Steve didn't answer. He knew nothing he could say would be believable. He never could lie to Danny.

"Have I done something?" Danny offered, desperate for an answer, even if it wasn't one he wanted.

"No, god no," Steve turned back to face his partner.

"Then what?" Danny threw his hands up.

"I'm just...missing Cath," Steve shrugged, his eyes falling the sand between them.

"It's been six months, I thought you had accepted that it was over between you two?"

The look of betrayal on Danny's face wrenched something in Steve's gut.

"Steve, I know this isn't about Catherine, please," Danny sighed, taking a tentative step towards Steve.

"I can't do this," Steve shook his head. He went to step by Danny, but he caught Steve's wrist and pulled him back.

"Steven, it's me. You can trust me. Look, there's no one else around," He released Steve, gesturing around at the empty beach. His eyes were pleading with Steve to be honest with him. They were only standing a couple of feet apart.

When Steve didn't respond, Danny's shoulder's dropped in defeat. He was giving up.

Steve felt guilt course through him. He was hurting Danny. He couldn't do that.

"You know what, nevermind," Danny took a step back from Steve but Steve grabbed his arm to stop him.

"I'm in love with you and I didn't think it was a big deal but then my Aunt Deb made me realize that life is too short, especially in our line of work and then I almost lost you and it nearly killed me but I couldn't tell you because you-"

Steve's breathless ramble was cut off by Danny's lips.

Steve stood stunned as Danny pulled away.

"If you'd shut up for five seconds, I'd like a chance to tell you that I feel the same way," Danny smirked at the stunned SEAL.

"What?" Steve blinked at his partner.

"I love you, you schmuck," Danny laughed before pulling Steve back into another kiss.

Hoops and hollers could be heard from the wedding guests.

Steve pulled back with a grin. Danny's cheeks were a deep shade of scarlet.

"We can talk more about this later, yeah? There's a cake that needs to be cut," Steve winked threading his fingers in Danny's.

Danny's cheeks only darkened in color, but he didn't object.

Steve understood now why his Aunt Deb had married Leonard. Life was far too short to wait, especially when the person you wanted most, wanted you too.

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