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It was a slow day at the office. The Hawaii five-0 headquarters was quiet with everyone finishing paperwork. Steve and Danny were off doing Steve and Danny things.

Kono knocked gently on Chin's door, "Hey cuz, you know when the boss is due back?" She had a question about some of the details about their last case.

"No clue, I think he took Danny out on his dad's boat," Chin shook his head, looking up from his computer.

"Danny agreed to that?" Lou asked with a raised brow. He had been passing by when he overheard the conversation.

"Yeah, Steve convinces him every once in a while," Chin laughed.

"Do you think they're dating?" Kono asked then, a grin playing on her lips.

"They may not know it, but they absolutely are," Lou nodded.

"I don't think so, you know how the two of them are," Chin shook his head.

"Exactly," Lou agreed, earning a laugh from the other two.

"I can't decide. Some days I think they are, and other days I'm not so sure," Kono said thoughtfully.

"Hey guys, what are we talking about?" Jerry asked walking up then.

"Hey, Jer, do you think Steve and Danny are dating?" Kono asked their teammate.

"What? No way."

"I think they might be," Kono said decidedly. They had to be.

"I'm with Kono on this one."

Chin shook his head, "I'm with Jerry."

"Why don't we bet on it," Kono suggested excitedly.

"Alright, you're on," Chin laughed.

"Fifty says their dating," Lou piped in.

"I don't know guys," Jerry frowned, "it doesn't feel right to be betting on the boss's love life like this."

Kono, Chin and Lou gave Jerry a look.

"You think Steve would pass up an opportunity to do the exact same thing to us?" Lou scoffed.

"Good point. Alright I'm in," Jerry agreed with a nod.

"Great, so how do we find out?" Kono asked.

"Well if they were dating, they would have told us, so it's safe to say you can go ahead and pay up." Chin held his hand out with a smile.

"What? No, way," Kono shook her head.

"What if we sweeten the pot. Whoever finds out first without directly asking gets another twenty," Jerry offered.

"Alright, Jerry, you're gettin' it," Lou gave Jerry a pat on the back, "I'm with this guy. Sweeten that pot."

"Okay, deal," Kono nodded.

All eyes fell to Chin who just shrugged.

"Why not."


Over the course of the week, the team tried to find out if Steve and Danny were dating but they just couldn't be sure. The four teammates were currently sitting around a picnic table at Kamekona's shrimp truck, sharing their efforts from the week.

"So I asked Steve if he had a hot date one night cause he was rushing out of the office. He just laughed and said if I wanted to call Danny his hot date than sure. He was helping him put together Charlie's new room," Kono sighed.

"What about the cheek kiss Steve gave Danny on Tuesday?" Jerry pointed out.

The team had all seen it.

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