Call it a Trust Exercise(Part 2)

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"You called our superiors?" Dean stomped into the five-0 headquarters, beelining for Steve.

The SEAL stiffened at the sight of them.

"Dean, you said you'd be calm," Sam hissed, on his brother's heels.

"I am calm," Dean snapped back.

"You're going undercover with my partner, on my case, I had to make sure you were legit," Steve answered unapologetically.

"I'm sorry you what?" Danny cut in then, turning his attention to the SEAL.

"I had check," Steve huffed. Danny should have expected it from him.

"My word wasn't enough?"

"Don't do that. You know how I am."

Danny scoffed at his partner, "The most trusting person in the world, you mean? Or should I remind you of all the people who have screwed you over in the past four years?"

"That's why I'm being cautious," Steve objected.

Danny threw his hands up, "Cause they're my friends."

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to. I know you."

"If you know me, then you'd have known I would do that," Steve pointed out.

"That doesn't make me happy about it," Danny waved a hand around as he spoke.

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but we got a call from Max, the toxins were in our last two victims as well," Chin cut in then.

Danny shot Dean a look.

"Come on, dear, we should get to the south shore as soon as possible. The sooner we're in her sights, the sooner we can gank this bitch," Dean wrapped an arm around Danny's waist.

"You two are actually cute together. Did you two ever date?" Kono asked, smirking at the pair.

"Not really," Danny cleared his throat.

"Not really?" Steve narrowed his eyes. That wasn't a no.

"We uh...had a few drinks together one night. That's how we met actually," Danny answered shyly.

"Why do I feel like there's more to this story than you're telling?" Steve looked at Danny, crossing his arms over his chest as if waiting for more details.

"Danny and Dean had sex in the back of Dean's impala," Castiel piped in then.

"Jesus, Cas," Dean swore, shooting his friend a look.

Danny's face turned bright red.

Steve gaped at the pair. That didn't help the growing jealousy in the pit of his stomach.

Kono held back a laugh while Chin coughed to cover his.

"I don't think Danny wanted that to be public knowledge," Sam mumbled to Cas.

"My apologies," Cas shot Danny a sorry look.

"It's fine. It was like eight years ago," Danny waved a dismissive hand.

"Weren't you with Rachel?" Steve raised a brow at the blonde.

"We'd just finalized the divorce. I was having a rough night and Dean here helped me take my mind off of it," Danny smiled at the cinnamon haired man next to him.

"So he was your rebound," Steve smirked. While he didn't like the fact that Dean and Danny had slept together, at least he'd just been using Dean as a distraction.

"Rebound has a negative connotation, I prefer 'well worth the hangover one night stand'," Danny's blush was still covering his cheeks.

Steve's jaw clenched at the way Dean winked at Danny.

"Alright, well you two go scope the place out, and we'll wait for your word that it's okay to move in," Chin handed Dean a photo of a pretty brunette with a modest dress and a large black bag on her shoulder. "This is her, keep your eyes peeled."

"Ready, sweetie?" Dean squeezed Danny's waist.

"I'll let you know when we get there," Danny said to Steve as he followed the oldest Winchester out of the room.

"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable," Cas said to Steve when Dean and Danny were out of sight.

"You didn't. I'm fine," Steve shook his head.

Sam held back a snort. He knew that look. Steve was jealous. But he remained silent. No need to piss him off further. Dean was doing a good job of that already.


"So you mentioned the fact that you weren't going to date Steve, why not? He's very obviously into you," Dean asked, about half way to the hotel they were going to be setting up in.

"He's not into me. We're partners, that's it," Danny frowned, with a shake of his head.

"Uh huh," Dean gave a snort. "Well he sure didn't like the fact that you and I had history."

"You know what the problem with this whole thing is? You're all too protective. Steve doesn't like or trust you, you guys don't like or trust Steve. It makes things complicated for me," Danny sighed as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.

"You're family, man. What do you expect?" Dean nudged Danny gently with his elbow.

"Steve's gonna drill me later about our night together. What's the official story? We met in a bar or what?"

Dean looked thoughtful, "Well you can't tell him that I saved your ass from being shifter bait."

"Yeah, we'll say I saved your ass from a crazy serial killer instead," Danny nodded in agreement.

"Now that's even less believable," Dean laughed as he climbed out of the car.

Danny shot Dean a large grin. He'd forgotten how much fun he and Dean had together back in the day. They used to hang out anytime Dean and Sam were in town.

He put in his earpiece then.

"Alright, Steve, we're here," Danny spoke as he climbed out of the car.

"I hear you, loud and clear. You hear me?" Steve asked a relieved tone to his voice.


Dean took his own earpiece from Danny and put it in. He'd not been keen on the idea of wearing one, but it was for the best so he gave in, reluctantly.

"Let's make sure we sell this, yeah?" Dean leaned into Danny's untapped ear. "She'll be following us even when we don't know it. It's best we keep the charade up even if we don't think she's around."

Danny turned his head and pressed a chaste kiss to Dean's cheek. "This isn't my first time."

Dean gave a knowing smirk, "Oh I'm aware."

Danny rolled his eyes; Dean was just trying to piss Steve off at this point.

"Let's keep it professional Daniel, we don't want to let our emotions get in the way of the case," Steve snapped.

"Bite me," Danny quipped.

"That's funny, you said something similar that night in my backseat," Dean winked at Danny earning a smack from the blonde.

"Dean," Sam's voice huffed then.

"I'm kidding," Dean rolled his eyes before grabbing his and Danny's bags from the backseat.

"Ready, honey?" Dean asked linking his arm with Danny's.

"It's a good thing you're cute," Danny mumbled as he let Dean lead him into the hotel.

The annoyed huff in their ears didn't go unnoticed. Danny almost felt bad for Steve, but it would be, like dean had said, a good trust exercise. Steve didn't take the backseat on cases, ever, so this would be good for him.

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