Love language (part1)

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There are five love languages. Words of affirmation. Acts of service. Receiving gifts. Quality time. And physical touch. But when it came to Steve and Danny there was a sixth love language, arguing. If the pair weren't arguing, that's when you knew something was wrong.

If you asked Chin, he'd say it was because they were so similar. If you asked Kono, she'd say it was unresolved sexual tension. Whatever the reason, every day was the same. Today being no exception.

Steve and Danny walked into Five-0 headquarters bickering, as usual. They had just finished one of their mandatory therapy sessions and had missed out on the crime scene of their latest case.

"All I'm saying is I didn't appreciate it," Danny spoke, waving a hand around.

"Therapy is meant to solve problems, this is a problem," Steve countered.

"It's not a problem, you're imagining things. That is a problem."

"Therapy not go well I take it?" Kono asked cutting in then.

"Does it ever?" Danny retorted with a huff.

"Alright, so what do we have?" Steve asked approaching the computer in the middle of the room. He would be glad to stop arguing with Danny.

"Homicide," Chin gestured to the screen where a picture of their latest victim was.

"Amy Nelson, thirty-two, single, found with her head bashed in," Kono spoke up next, skipping through a few of the pictures from the crime scene, "She was found by the next door neighbor, Amber Mackey. She was dropping off a borrowed recipe book when she saw Amy through the window."

"Do we know what the murder weapon was?" Steve asked.

"A bookend. There was one missing from the crime scene. It fits the bill," Chin answered next.

"So a crime of passion," Danny nodded.

"Looks that way," Chin agreed. He flipped through the pictures, landing on one of a hand written note.

"What's that?" Steve gestured to the photo.

"This is a note we found in Amy's kitchen. Apparently, there was a neighborhood bully that sent threatening notes to some of the neighbors. We asked around and several had gotten similar notes."

"I know what you're doing, if you don't stop, I'll make you," Danny read the note.

"Sounds like our bully followed through on their promise," Steve said crossing his arms.

"Okay so do we have a list of suspects?" Danny asked turning to Chin and Kono.

"The entire neighborhood. It's a gated community and only about thirty houses. We talked to several people, but no one knew who the sender was. But I might have an idea of how we can find out," Kono typed quickly on the computer pulling up a listing for a house in the neighborhood.

"This is a house on the market. It's two houses down from Amy's. The community is tight knit. If we can go undercover, we might be able to catch the person sending the letters. Only problem is the person will only rent out to couples."

"Okay, so we send in two," Steve nodded in agreement. He liked the idea, it seemed promising.

"The only problem is Chin and I were all over that neighborhood. They know we're cops," Kono pointed out.

Steve and Danny looked at each other.

"You mean you want us to pretend to be married?" Danny gestured between him and Steve.

"It's all we've got. If we want these people to talk, they have to think we're one of them," Kono shrugged.

"Wonderful, as if working with you wasn't enough, now I've got to be married to you," Danny huffed at his partner.

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