(10) Battle of the Bands AU

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Ships: Vanlirious (Vanoss x H2O Delirious) TerrorSnuckle (Terroriser x Moo) OhmtOoNz (Ohm Wreaker x CaRtOoNz) Daithi de Lui (Daithi de Nogla x Lui Calibre) SuniLadd (SuniDey x MiniLadd)

Request by: Nobody

Challenge: None

All ships: Vanlirious, TerrorSnuckle, OhmtOoNz, Daithi de Lui, Minicat, BasicallyIdo407, Krii7y, Switz, Zuckles x iNoToRiOuS

Other people involved: DeadSquirrel, Bryce, Toby on the Tele, RacoonEggs


Banana Bus Squad- Vanoss, H2O Delirious, Terrorizer, Moo, Ohm Wrecker, CaRtOoNz, Daithi de Nogla, Lui Calibre, Mini Ladd, Wildcat,

Manager(s): Dead Squirrel and Bryce

Misfits- Fitz, Swagger Souls, Kryoz, Smii7y, Toby on the Tele, RacoonEggs, and Zuckles

Manager(s): iNoToRiOuS and Jay

WARNING! Do NOT play the song yet, unless you want to wait for it to load or play it more than once.

Comment #1: This is an EXTREMELY long chapter... mah bad *^-^

Comment #2: 2435 words to be exact


Vanoss' P.O.V.

"I can't believe how quickly time flew by," I said, looking at how many people were out there.

"I know right, I think this is our biggest concert by far!" I hear my boyfriend the 'phyco' H2O Delirious but his actual name is Jonathan.

"We also have to thank our managers for bringing us together for this." One of Misfits' band members Swagger comes rolling up on our conversation. I look back and see our big group of friends in the back nodding in agreement and going back into their conversations. Whatever their conversations were.

"But also we have to thank you for Fitz being our mumble rapper performance."

"Don't worry about it he is a bit of a mumble rapper anyways."

"HEY! I can rap like Eminem if I wanted to." The giraffe guy comes over as we start laughing. Fitz, who's name is Camron.

"Yeah sure, you can cunt." Another band member by the name of Zuckles, his actual name is Mason, tries putting his arm on his shoulder but he couldn't keep it up there for so long.

"Oh he can say cunt but I can't!" Our tall Irish guy by the public name of Daithi de Nogla, his legal name David, comes in our conversation that keeps gradually growing of people.

"We said you couldn't say it anymore because you yelled that at a little kid and made him cry!" Our other Irish guy Terroriser, real name Brian, told him.

"I bought him gummy worms!" He tried defending himself.

"That still hurt my feelings!" Lui comes with his signature bags of gummy worms. He always seems to have an unlimited supply.

"Man I will never get used to that." the afro guy RaccoonEggs, the name is Ezra walks over as well.

"Okay, we should just go sit over to the seating area before the show," Jonathan tells the group that started as a duo turned into a group of eleven people.

"Okay, the show is gonna start in 2 minutes," our managers Dead Squirrel, Bryce, iNoToRiOuS (real name Matt), and Jay tell us.

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