(17) You're The Guy {Part 1}

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Note #1: Swagger x Male Reader

Note #2: All of these scenarios are fake so please separate imaginary from reality.

"AP literature...AP literature...ah-ha found it." I tell myself proudly that I didn't need to ask the librarian's helpers for help this time. I quickly grab the book and walk over to, basically my only friend, Laura the Librarian. It's kinda sad really in the eyes of other people but honestly I could care less of what other people think. I have some, I guess you can say, friends but I really only talk to them when we have a project to work on. And I occasionally talk to them, and I mean saying hi or bye, but it's not that bad. I check the book out for English, thanking Laura once again and walk to my usual spot.

And my usual spot so happens to be right bye my next classroom so how lucky am I. To be honest not really since the teacher is hardly in their classroom during breaks, lunches, and even leaves during the 6 minute period that the students use to get to their class. But I just wait here since there is nowhere for me to go during class. Never not once ditched class in fear of my mom finding out. Cause damn she can really scare the hell out of you and I just want to do better than my mom. And my mom's current living isn't all that of a shining star, I'm grateful I have food to eat, a bed for myself, and WiFi to do my homework for school.

Right as I'm about to turn the last corner to finally sit down I almost bump into a guy about 2 inches taller than me. By the way I'm 5'6 and I'm pretty short compared to people. So I just move and try going around and since my school is an open school with no hallways just pathways there is a lot of room to go around, but then the guy just scoots and gets in front of me again.

"Um...excuse me." Since I hate social interactions and confrontations I just want to get through, sit in my spot, and do the homework that was just assigned to the class. He is just staring at me not talking what so ever, he has dirty blond hair, fair skin, he is also as skinny as a twig how does a person maintain that weight? He also has brown eyes sort of like milk chocolate. Awe now I want chocolate. After breaking the little staring contest I try moving again but the same thing happened and since it's lunch I don't have time for this. I just sigh and tell him, "Okay man look I just need to work on my homework so please just get out of my way." So then I move finally getting around him by putting my arm out in front of him so he can't move in front of me again but he then grabs my wrist which makes me glare at him and telling him 'test me bitch'.

"You're the guy." He simply states and starts dragging me the opposite direction of where I was going to. Like bruh come on I have to work after school so I don't get much of a chance to do my homework.

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