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Five Days.

It's been five days since I last saw Harry. They have been the longest five days of my life.

But this morning, I had no choice but to get out of bed and give adulting my best shot. I packed my bag last night, all I had to do this morning was take a shower and get dressed. Before I could call to let them know I was ready, Jackson and Luke were parked in front of the house waiting for me.

They had been so excited about their first ever trip to Los Angeles! But given the mood I'd been in since I got back, they make an effort to hide it. I'm sure they fell like they shouldn't be so happy in the presence of someone so miserable, but having them around is the only reason I'd be able to get through tonight.

Assuming all my ties with Everything Under The Sun had been severed with the separation, Jack and Luke had kissed goodbye the dream of going to Hollywood, meet celebrities and stay at Harry's house. But the truth was they only had to give up one of those dreams. The going to LA and meeting celebrities was still happening.

That fundraising dinner my team and I put together a couple of months ago is still happening, and I'm still responsible for it going as planned. When I talked to Susan before I left London, I told her I would still work to see this project through, I was not going to overwhelm her at the last minute with finding someone to oversee everything, even though I know the rest of the team is more than capable of handling things without a team leader. But still, this project was my baby. It was only right that I get to see it come to life.

At first, I feared I would have to run into Harry there, given he was the face of the whole event and the reason why so many celebrities agreed to participate. But then I remembered a while ago he said he wasn't even sure he could make it because of schedule changes and the usual shit the band's management subjects them to. So I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about seeing him there.

It's funny, though, that a charity event sponsored by Harry Styles will count with the presence of dozens of celebrities except that of Harry Styles.

Jackson, Luke and I arrive in Los Angeles early in the morning, pick up a rental car at the airport, check-in at our hotel and split: they go play tourists for a few hours and I go straight to the venue. Being the first one there, all I can do is go over the seating arrangements with the staff to make sure we're all in the same page and then head back to the airport to pick up Diana and Victor. They have been my two right hands since we started this project, so they're flying from the UK to help me tonight. And then we recruited six more volunteers from the charities we're sponsoring.

After everything is ready: tables are set, decorations are in place, program has been reviewed a thousand times and food is being prepared, I meet my boys back at the hotel and we help each other look our best for the event. Well, more like they help me.

With Luke's mad skills with hair and makeup, I don't need to waste time going to a salon. And thanks to Jack's amazing taste I don't have to second-guess my outfit because he picked it for me from the three options I presented to him.

Besides, I'm not there in a 'girlfriend-of-the-sponsor' capacity, I'm just the event coordinator, so I don't need to stand out or impress anyone. But at the same time, the press will be there and they don't know about Harry and me separating, so I have to make an effort because I'm still representing him, in a way.

"How do I look?" I ask Jackson once Luke is finished with me.

"I have good and bad news." His expression gives nothing away and I start to get nervous.

"Good news first, please."

"The good news is that you look absolutely gorgeous!"

"And the bad ones?"

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