Insomnia // Daniel Pt. 1

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Hey guys. This is my first two-parter so I hope y' all enjoy it. I'm actually really proud of it and took my time. Please like comment and vote. I would really appreciate it. Thanks and enjoy! <3

Word Count: 1217

Everyone gets tired sometimes. It's a normal thing humans do. But, sometimes, you get so tired, that your body tends to give out. To shut down. That's exactly what happened to Daniel on their second to last day of the tour.


The past few nights, Daniel had been restless.

He would lay comfortably in his bed, with his eyes shut, yet he still could not let his body drift asleep.

Daniel wanted nothing more than to sleep.

But it wasn't that simple.

For him at least.

Daniel's POV

The sound if an alarm going off fills my ears.

As I slowly open my eyes, the pounding pain in my head is immediate.

I don't think twice about why it's there.

The past few nights I've only gotten 2-4 hours of sleep if any at all.

It's not my fault though.

I want to sleep, but my body just won't allow me.

It's exhausting, but not as much as it is frustrating.

Pulling myself out of bed felt like an accomplishment on its own.

Now it was only a matter of pulling through the rest of the day.

As I put my bare feet on the cold wooden floor, the movement displeases my head.

The pounding intensifies, making me wince.

Suck it up, I think to myself. I stand up to get ready, and can barely walk straight.

I realize how lightheaded I feel.

Like my head is suddenly a balloon.

I take a slow deep breath and go to my closet.

I slip on a blue and white tie-dye shirt, with some denim skinny jeans, along with my white high tops.

I open my bedroom door and stumble going down the staircase.

I eventually reach the bottom and am greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs.

Usually, the smell would make me hungrier, but instead, it nauseated me.

I held back a small gag and swallowed roughly.

"Morning sleepy head", Jonah says flipping the eggs.

"Morning", I reply back quietly.

All the boys look up from their phones and focus their attention on me.

"You feeling okay, Dani?", Jonah says.

"Yeah, fine", I reply back, wincing at the pain in my head from talking.

"You look like you're in pain, bud. Are you sure you're okay?", Zach asks concerned.

I just nod, which was probably a worse choice than replying verbally.

I wince again and reach for the counter.

"Ok, Daniel. We're not blind. It's obvious somethings up. What's wrong?", Corbyn says in a firm yet comforting tone.

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