Epilepsy // Corbyn Pt. 3

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Request for jetblackworld

Sorry it's super unedited, but it's 10:35 right now, I'm just now finishing, and I still have tons of homework to do. Pray for me! 😱

Word Count: 1149

Corbyn had been on some new medication for his epilepsy for a few months now.

But, he hated it.

Taking the medication made him just as drowsy and tired, as if he were to have seizures.

So one day, he just decided he would stop taking it.

He didn't see it at the time, but it was an awful idea.


Corbyn's POV

I've been off my medication for about four days, and honestly, I could get used to it.

I don't feel as exhausted and dazed anymore.

I've had some headaches and stuff, but nothing I can't handle.

Now it's only a matter if I have another seizure or not.

We just finished up today's work, and I'm so ready to sleep.

My head hurts, and I feel a little weird, but I just need sleep.

I walk into my bedroom from downstairs where I was previously sitting, and change clothes.

I then brush my teeth and slip on some socks and climb under my comforter.

Also, did I mention that Zach's now my new roommate.

After my last few seizures, someone's had to sleep in my room to watch over me.

Lucky me.

I felt bad that he had to sleep on the floor, so now he just sleeps in my bed next to me.

Saying it out loud sounds a little weird, but it wouldn't if you understood the situation.

Zach was already dead asleep when I climbed into bed, so I turn to my side as lightly as possible.

I smile a bit, then shut my eyes.

After thinking for a few minutes, I feel my eyelids get heavier, and soon, I'm fast asleep.

2:29 am

Zach's POV

The sound of ruffling and small noises wakes me up from my sleep.

Without sitting up I rub my eyes and yawn.

I turn over to look at Corbyn, and see him in a state that turns my stomach upside down.

His limbs are shaking aggressively, his eyes are rolled into the back of his head, and he's making noises.

I open my eyes wide in shock and fear, then I suddenly snap back into reality.

"Jonah!", I yell as loud as I possibly can, trying not to cry.

"Jonah!", I yell in tears.

Suddenly Jonah comes bursting through the bedroom door, a worrisome expression on his face.

"It's Corbyn", I say shaking from fear.

I see Jack wall in behind Jonah, and he pulls me out of the room.

"Can you tell me what happened bud?", he asks me.

"I-I woke up, and I looked o-over at Corbyn, and he-he was shaking and ma-making weird noises, and I didn't kn-know what to do, and I wa-was so scared, and-", Jack stops me.

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