Migraine // Corbyn

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Requested by april-xoxo

Word Count: 1179

Corbyn's POV

Of course the one day I have off, I get a horrible migraine.

I mean it's not like I want one while working, but now doing anything sounds miserable.

I just want to sleep all day, but I know the rest of the boys are looking forward to going out.

I don't want to ruin their fun because of a stupid headache.

I'll just take a pill and suck it up.

It can't be that bad, and I don't think it can get any worse.

I can get through it.

General POV

Corbyn pulls himself out of bed, feeling his head throb.

He walks over to his closet in small pained steps, and puts on a hoodie with some jeans and all black vans.

He walks back over to the bed and grabs his phone, then stops for a second to rest.

He goes into the hallway and down the stairs, taking each step slowly.

Jonah is making a simple breakfast for everyone, while the other boys are sitting on the couch.

Corbyn puts a hand on his forehead, trying not to look in pain.

But, his attempts failed.

"You okay Corbs?", Daniel asks.

Corbyn sighs and removes his hand from his forehead.

"Just a little headache. Probably just hungry", he lies.

"You sure?", Jonah asks.

Corbyn looks Jonah in the eyes, knowing that he's catching on.

"Yeah, I'm good", Corbyn reassures him.

He walks towards the medicine cabinet for some Ibuprofen, as Jonah gets some plates from the cabinet.

"I know you Corbyn. Tell me if it's bad", Jonah quickly whispers to him.

"I will, promise", Corbyn replies.

Jonah nods and begins dividing up the eggs and bacon.

Corbyn takes a pill from the bottle and swallows it with a glass of water.

He then throws a few in his pocket just in case.

"Come eat", Jonah announces.

The boys jump up and grab a plate, sitting down at the table quickly.

"Eat up", Jonah says.

An hour later...

General POV

Now in the back of an Uber, Corbyn held his head and winced quietly every tine they went over a bump.

His head hadn't improved at all, even after taking a pill and eating breakfast.

They were going to the mall, to walk around and shop.

Just what Corbyn didn't want to do.

He decided that it would get better eventually, and that he should just wait it out.

But that was a bad decision.


Corbyn's POV

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