04: First Date

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Shivaay led Annika to his car and opened the gate for her. She sat inside and he closed the door. He sat on the driving seat and started driving the car.

There was a kind of an awkward silence between them. He saw her fidgeting with her fingers and smiled.

"Don't be nervous Annika. It's just a date." He said and she looked at him. At once he was lost in her eyes but at the other hand he remained his focus on the driving.

"I don't have an experience going on a date. I'll obviously be nervous na." She said with a chuckle at the end and he gasped the new piece of information he received.

"How can a beautiful girl like you didn't go on a date till now? I am shocked." He asked and she gave him a it's perfectly normal look.

They reached the venue in just 15 minutes as it was not so far from her apartment. He was being a gentleman with her, very well knew how to be with girls, after all he had 3 girlfriends before.

He had booked a special corner in the restaurant for their date. He pulled a chair for her and she sat muttering a thanks. He sat across the table on another chair.

"So...." She said. "So?" He repeated. "It's really awkward. I am here with a stranger whom I met in the morning on a date." She said and looked at the other side not meeting his gaze and smiled awkwardly and the next minute, they both laughed.

"Maybe it's your first time. Is it really the first date of your life?" He asked again. He couldn't believe that she never dated anyone before.

"Do you want proof or something? I've never dated before. I hardly have any male friend." She said with a chuckle.

"So why did you accept this offer?" He asked as he grew impatient, he so badly wanted to know.

"Actually........ I do three jobs at a time and still, I get difficulty in paying the installments of my apartment and the car so when I read that it's for only 2 hours a day with a good package, a thought to give an interview........... But when I got to know that I have to be your girlfriend, I thought to right away decline but then I read the contract and contacted my bestie........ She said It'll be exciting, there'll be fun in my boring life........ So...." she told him and tucked the hair strand behind her ear.

"Nice. Let's order something." He said and they both went through the menu. She ordered Chinese and he ordered sushi 🍣.

"Who's in your family?" He asked waiting for the food to arrive.

"My mom, dad and 2 little munchkins Tanya and Twinkle. And yours?"

"I have a very big family. I'll make you meet them this weekend." He said and the food arrived.

"You were to tell that why you were conducting interviews for the girlfriend thing?" She said munching on the food.

"I broke with my girlfriend last week and I must move on so.......... This sounds absurd but it really helps. When I broke up with my second girlfriend, I interviewed some girls on my friend's suggestion and found a good girl but she also ditched me so now you're my fourth one." He said.

"Ohh" was her reply.

"You still nervous?" He asked and she nodded.

"Tell me one thing, if you were here with your friend, what would've been the first thing you'd do?" He asked and she smiled. He won't stop until her nervousness fly away.

"I'd take a picture with her for the gram." She said with the smile and he took out his phone from the pocket.

"Why don't we click a picture for your gram?" He asked. "Sure." She instantly replied.

Shivaay called a waiter and asked him to click their pictures. The both stood in front of the wall with neon lights. He slid his hand and across her waist. It was a normal thing for him but not for her.

She being a little uncomfortable still managed to pose and the picture was awesome. They both settled on their respective chairs and finished their dinner.

"What caption will you give to our picture?" He asked quite wanting to know.

"What about 'The first date of my life's or 'With the first date'?" He said before she could reply and she chuckled.

"Umm...... Let's keep it a little suspense. See yourself when I'll upload." She said and winked and there he was lying on the floor in his thoughts.

"There's a concert in an hour. My brothers and sister are going there. You want to join?" He asked after he received the message from Rudy to bring his girlfriend to the concert so that they can meet her.

"I am so sorry but I have to go to office at 9." She said nonchalantly. She so wanted to go but had her iob as well.

"It's perfectly fine. Work comes first. Well, dessert?" He said.

"Yep...... Ice cream?"

"Cool. Flavor?"

"Blue Berry" she said and he asked the waiter to bring it but the stock was finished. Annika's face fell because she didn't get her favorite ice cream. He noticed this and asked for a bill.

They both settled in the car and he dropped her to her house.

"Bye Mr. Oberoi.......opps.....  I mean Shivaay." She said coming out of the car.

"Bye...... Had fun having your company." He said and hugged her. Although it was a normal hug but not for her.

She was shocked and didn't reciprocate. He felt and broke it right away.

"I am sorry........ I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." He apologized. His go ce had guilt.

"It's okay. No need to be sorry. It's new for me na...... I am gasping what is happening. Bye." She gave him a light hug and went inside while he got lost in her retiring figure.



"I saw your fallen face when the ice cream wasn't available so thought to bring it for you. The concert just ended." He said handing her the ice cream.

"Aww...... Thank you so much." She said and gave a light peck on her cheek unknowingly in excitement.


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