22: Birthday.

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So guys, I have started a new book named 'EX @WORK' as you can see in the media box above. I hope you check it out. It's a short story of max 7 chapters.

And, there is an imp note at the end of the update. Do check it out too.

{The content written in bold below is what happened yesterday and the content written in normal is them (Shivaay and Annika) telling about yesterday to OmRu and Mallika.} 

Yesterday, few hours, they meant the world to me. I haven't been this much happy in my entire life like I was, yesterday, in those few hours. But my happiness doesn't last long. I was laughing yesterday and I am crying today. What an irony.

"Now wipe these tears and come." He picked her up in his arms and took her to her room. He placed her on the bed and gave her a piece of paper and a pen.

"Write down everything you want on your birthday, how do you want to celebrate it." He said and she giggled. She, deliberately took her own time writing the things, the craziest things she wanted to do on her birthday. 

She was very happy Om Ru, like she has gotten everything she wanted. She took around almost an hour to write those down and when I read them, I couldn't help but laugh holding my stomach. I was seeing everything, I can't remove her expressions when you told her I don't want to see her. It pained to see her go, but I couldn't do anything. 

"Give me an hour and I will arrange everything."

"You don't have to do it Shivaay. I told you I don't celebrate my birthday."

"I know Annika that you used to not celebrate your birthdays but I am here and I am doing so shh and let me do it."

"And what will I do in this one hour?"


He made me lye down on the bed. I wasn't sleepy at all. I knew what I wrote was something very stupid and I wasn't sure how my birthday would be but I was sure that Shivaay would make it very beautiful for me. I didn't have the slightest idea about what was going in his mind. I just couldn't sleep. I kept staring at the ceiling and recalled each and every moment he was there with me and realized how deeply I was in Love with him. 

The door clicked open and Annika sat on the bed. 

"You didn't sleep?"

"I couldn't"

Shivaay walked towards her and sat beside her on the bed. He took her palms in his and kissed them. He stared her face for a moment and taking a deep breath, he leaned forward pressing his lips on her forehead. She closed her eyes and her hands move to her 

"I haven't felt like this with anyone else Annika."

"I haven't either Shiv."

He smiled and attached his lips to hers. He didn't move his lips neither did she. He moved back giving a peck and she smiled faintly at him. He stood up and gave his hand for her to hold and get up. Shivaay placed a hand on her eyes as they walked out of the room. 

 It was mind blowing. The whole living area was so amazingly decorated, just as I wrote. Golden and black helium balloons were hanging from the ceiling and were scattered all around the floor. There was a huge chocolate which was looking very yummy and beside it were the wine bottles.

"Thank you."

She turned the other side to prevent her tears from falling and he shook his head.

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