06: Friendship

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Annika did the worst thing i.e getting up in the morning. It's the worst thing for at least her if not for other people. She badly wanted to sleep more but she had a job as well. She sat on the bed still half sleepy and opened her instagram.

There were a lot of likes, comments and followers on her post as her account was public. One of the comments caught her attention and she smiled widely reading that.

"My Lady"

It was from his newly made boyfriend who indeed is a nice guy but somewhere she was feeling a little insecure, not from him but that contract and that sudden boyfriend girlfriend thing. She was thinking this last night after he went and she came to a conclusion that she can't be in a relationship if there is no friendship and according to what she thinks, friendship matters a lot, both gets to know each other better and when two people know each other better, they tend to live more peacefully.

She wasn't thinking beyond three months. She had in her mind that this dating chapter will finish after three months and she was sure that these 3 months are gonna be too much amazing for her.

She got up from the bed with this thing in mind that she will clear this thing from Shivaay today and will tell him that she wants to take things slow and wants to know him more.

She came out of the washroom and her phone beeped. It was a message from Shivaay and a missed call from a number which she royally ignored and focused on the message.

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

I was wondering if we could
go on a movie date tonight?
What say?

Actually, I need to talk to you
about something serious. So, can
we meet at a cafe in the evening?

Yeah....... alright. See you then.

Shivaay got a little stressed after receiving her message. A lot of questions were going on in his mind. There was some fear unknown to him that gripped his heart. Will she leave him? Did he do something wrong? Doesn't she want this relationship? He quite liked her and wanted to know her more, maybe they could make a perfect couple but he was little scared about what she'll talk.

The few hours passed like years for both of them because he doesn't want her to leave and she was scared if he might not like her thoughts. They met at Leopold Cafe and nervousness was clearly visible on their faces.

"Hi" She initiated the conversation and he just smiled in response, she found it strange because they have met two times and so far, she had got to know him, he's a very jolly man but he was looking a little scared now. Why?

"You alright?" She asked him keeping her hand on his which was on the table and he quickly removed his hand nodding in a yes.

"You are acting weird Shivaay. I can see. What happened?" She asked sternly because she was getting irritated with his this behavior.

"I am sorry. I am actually, I was thinking about what do you want to talk? Did something happened from me that you didn't like?" He asked nervously and started laughing loudly because he was looking very cute saying all this. 

"You are too cute." She pulled his cheek and he sat there with a frown.

"I wanted to talk to you about this dating thing. I.... I haven't dated anyone before and I hardly have male friends. This is going very fast, everything is going very fast. I am not saying that you are bad, you are a gentleman but I want to take it slow, I don't want to mess up things later on. So, before we start dating, I want to know you more, I want us to become friends first. I hope you won't mind."

She felt light after telling him what was disturbing her and he let out a sigh of relief. He also wanted that they get to know each other more and friendship was the best idea.

"So, Friends??" He asked forwarding his hand and she shook it smiling widely.

"Let's celebrate this new friendship. What say?" Annika said all excited and before Shivaay could reply, she held his hand and moved out of the cafe.

They both settled in the car and it was him on the driving seat but her and with the speed, she flew the car, he was just praying that he doesn't die. The car came to a halt at a ......... wait.......... a whiskey store? He looked shocked at her disappearing figure that disappeared into the store. 

She came out grabbing two whiskey bottles and keeping them in the back seat, she took her seat where she was previously sitting. She looked at him with a mischievous smile and closed his opened mouth. It took him whole 15 minutes of their drive to become normal. 

She stopped the car at her most favorite place in Mumbai, the Marine Drive, indeed it's a beautiful place. The both got down the car and he looked at her with a questioning look on his face.


"Care to explain?" He asked folding his hands calmly.

"Shivaay...... when I am super happy na, I come at this place at midnight and drink." She said smiling sheepishly.

"Oh my god Annika. How many shades you have?" He asked shaking her shoulders and she chuckled.

"Beyond your imagination friend." She said winking and grabbing one of the two bottles, settled on one of the rocks.

It was around 9 pm and she had skipped her job, she even didn't remember she had to go on her job, so excited she was. He, grabbing another bottle settled beside her. He made sure that he doesn't drink more and she also doesn't but at the end, she was heavily drunk.


Drunk Annika is gonna be really very difficult for Shivaay to handle especially in front of his family members. I will try to update tomorrow itself.

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