11: He was worried

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"A man with Nine Personalities"

Can a man have nine personalities?

The answer is yes! He can, if he is a patient with Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi, the character of this book who has DID and possesses nine different personalities and names apart from his real personality i.e. Shivaay Singh Oberoi, a businessman.

Annika Verma, a Phyciatrist by profession gets kidnapped by a 31 year old Rian, a kidnapper, one of his personalities'.

A journey, dangerous, risky and much more. Will the end of thing journey be a happy one or a sad one?

No one knows, not even me. But the journey would indeed be enjoined, that I know by everyone.

The above is the summary of a new book which I recently started. Please give it a try.


Annika unlocked the door of her house and closing it from her left foot, she crashed herself on the couch not bothering about the  lights being on or off or the door being locked. It was Saturday and she basically doesn't have school on Saturdays but today, it was a Teachers' meeting and it was compulsory for all the teachers to attend. 

Annika didn't have any plans of attending it since she slept very late last night, all Shivaay's fault who kept her busy with him on call talking nonsense. The meeting was to be of only 2 hours but it extended to 4 hours. It's very irritating to sit on just one chair for 4 hours. Her back was paining. It was only 11 a.m and the pool party would start by 7 in the evening. She had plenty of time to sleep so that she could be fresh in the party. She kept her phone on the table and dozed off on the couch only.

 Shivaay, on the other side was busy with his some back to back meetings because from the past week, he wasn't taking any meetings, consequences of not wanting to leave your girlfriend for even a second. And also last night after he reached his home from Annika's, his dad scolded him for not giving attention to business, it was obvious to see Shivaay in office afterwards.

It was by 7 when Shivaay was done with his meetings. He left a 'I am coming' message to Annika and left for Rudy's penthouse.

Shivaay and Annika didn't talk the whole day. They just had a small conversation in the morning before they went for their respective works.

Omkara, Rudra, Priyanka, Gauri, (Om's girlfriend), Haider and Mallika were all present at the penthouse near the pool enjoying.

The pool party was although a small one but as it was thrown by Rudy, so it had to be a little extraordinary. There was a theme too, a Hawaii theme. The pool area was fully decorated accordingly and they too were dressed accordingly. 

The lift opened and Shivaay walked in to the pool area and greeted everyone. He was surprised to find one specific guest there. She walked to him and gave him a friendly hug which he reciprocated. 

"What a pleasant surprise Ragini." Shivaay said holding her hands after breaking the hug and she just smiled in anticipation.

"I am so happy to see you after 3 long years Shivaay. All thanks to Rudru, we accidentally bumped into each other and he invited me." She said and he smiled.

"It's good to see you too. Enjoy!" He said and walked to Mallika who was talking to Haider. They both became good friends in a matter for few minutes.

"Where's Annika?" He asked and she raised an eye at his question.

"I thought she'll come with you. Btw, I called her times but her phone was switched off."  She told and he, thanking her walked to a corner where music wasn't loud and dialled Annika.

He dialed her number for the sixteenth time but her phone was switched off. He quickly left the place without anyone's notice and reached her apartment. He knocked several times but there was no response.

He banged his hand on the door and it opened. It was all dark. He walked inside and reaching the switch board, he turned on the lights.

There, she was lying on the couch in a position as if someone threw her there. He became worried, weird thoughts took over his mind. The opened door and the closed lights added fuel to the fire.

She started moving in sleep and eventually woke up due to the light while he just stood there. She found him standing as her vision adjusted to the light.

She walked to him and snapped her fingers. He blinked his eyes and hugged her tightly, few tears falling on her shoulder.

"Shivaay?" She asked rubbing his back.

He broke the hug and started checking here and there confusing her.

"You alright?" He asked still checking.

"Shivaay!!" She jerked him and he came back to his senses.

"I am fine Shivaay. What happened to you?"

"If you are fine, then why was your phone switched off? Why was your door not locked? Why was the lights off? And what were you doing on the couch?" He raised his voice a little.

"Areyy! I was sleeping on the couch. I was so sleepy after I came from school that I fell on the couch and slept there itself not bothering about anything. And my phone wasn't charged." She told and he sighed.

"I was really very worried for you Annika." He said kissing her knuckles after they settled on the couch.

"Aww Shivaay, so sweet of you." She pulled his cheeks laughing.

"Ya Ya, you also laugh. You know, dad scolded me last night for not paying attention on business." 

"So, who told you not to? Who told you to spend all the time with me?" She asked him frowning.

"Acha baba, leave it. We have a party to attend. Remember?"

"Ohh shit!"

"Great! Now come on, Rudy is waiting." He said pushing her inside the room.

She came out wearing an off shoulder, sunflower print with long flare sleeves top that reached her mid thighs. The black neck piece was looking beautiful around her neck. 

"Beautiful." He complimented and she smiled. 

He slid his hand around her waist and they both were all set to enter the party.


I know this chapter was a filler and a crap too. Please bear with this. The next chapters will be good.

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