29: Irked Annika

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A week passed and Annika's foot was okay but not completely healed. She was able to walk, but slowly. In this one week, every night Shivaay came from the window and they both spent time together. Now also, they're doing the same.

Annika was sitting in the middle of the bed eating pasta, cooked by him while he was sitting at the edge of the bed staring her.

"Aren't you getting bored?" He asked as she stuffed a spoonful in her mouth.

"What do you want?" She asked munching.

"Tell me one thing . . . What if we part ways in future?" He asked looking at her intently and she gulped.

"Why? Are you planning to leave me?" She asked in a playful manner thinking he would be joking.

"Yeah maybe." He answered in a tone which she used; playful.

"Okay!" She rolled her eyes.

Silence filled the room and Annika got busy in eating her pasta.

"Let's go back Annika. It's suffocating here." He said and she looked at him with a raised brow.

"Why are you behaving so weird Shivaay?" She asked with a tint of irritation in her voice.

"I think I should be going now. I have some work. Will call you." He walked to the window and she sighed before slowly walking to him and grabbing his hand.

"I have been noticing since you came here. You look very unlike of Shivaay. It seems like you have some translucent cover on you through which, it's difficult for me to see. What happened Shivaay. I know you're hiding something so don't try to play smart."

"I am just scared." He said.

"That I'll leave you?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"No, that we'll be parting ways soon. I have a feeling." He said looking the other side.

"Nothing like that is gonna happen Shivaay." She rubbed his palm on his shoulder.

He hummed and gave her a long kiss on the forehead.

"I should be going now. I have to meet someone." He said and she nodded.

"Why did you call me here?" Shivaay asked as he got out of his car in an isolated place.

"Boss's orders." The person replied.

"When the hell will you boss himself will meet me?" Shivaay asked irritated.

"He'll himself come to give you the  invitation and you know about what." The man said and Shivaay's jaws clenched. He made a fist, reading to punch the man but refrained from doing so.

The man told Shivaay something and he left angrily in his car. 

1 Week Later

Annika sat beside the window looking at Shivaay's last message which he sent the night he was behaving strange.

"Dadi is not well. Gotta go back. Will call you."

She waited for a day, he didn't call. She called him then, thrice but he didn't pick up the call. She thought he must've been busy with his family or whatsoever. She called him again and she got really excited when he picked up but was disappointed the moment he cut the call making an excuse that he was in a meeting. After that, neither she call nor him.

She was hurt. It was clearly visible that he was ignoring her, he was avoiding her. But why would he do that. He had done that before too but there was a reason before. Now what?

She was very disturbed by everything. She recalled the last conversation they had. Was he serious when he asked that question? It seems like that now.

She needed answers to the questions disturbing her to the core. He got up wiping her tears harshly and grabbed her suitcase. She stuffed her clothes without folding them into the suitcase and zipped it.

She stepped into a pair of black jeans and a white hoodie. She tied her hair into a ponytail and wore her white sneakers.

Writing a small note for her father because she didn't want to explain each and everything to her family and placing it in the middle of the bed, she  sneaked out of the house.

"I am coming back and I need answers. I know something is wrong and I am gonna get the answers. I'll be at the doors of your house at 9 am."

She messaged him while in the cab on the way to the airport and threw the phone in the bag.

Shivaay was examining a file when he received her message. He knew he was doing wrong by ignoring her but he was right too.

"In America for a week. Won't be able to meet you."

She replied after a few minutes.

"Stop lying. I know you better."

"I am not."

"Fine then! If I'll not see you at 9 tomorrow, you'll be responsible for the consequence."

She switched off her phone. He called her multiple times but she didn't answer. In frustration, he threw the damn phone on the floor.

Annika stepped in and picked up the broken phone from the floor.

"This much aggression?" She asked walking over to him.

"I am very angry right now."

"So am I."

"Why are you angry."

"First tell me the reason if your anger."

"I lost a deal."

"And we are late Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi."

"Late for what?"

"You were going to pick me up half an hour before cause we had a wedding to attend. Nisha's, if you remember?"

She said and that's when he noticed her all dressed up.

"I am so sorry." He sighed.

"Give me 5 minutes. I'll just change and come."

"Take your time."

"I would really appreciate if you could help me change." He winked at her.

"You're not an infant."

"Then why do you call me baby?"

"I don't remember calling you that."

"Cause you never called me that."

"Are you for real? Like 5 minutes before, you were frustrated and now, look at you."

"Presence matters a lot." She placed a kiss on her cheek and went inside to change while her cheeks reddened.

Shivaay looked up as Omkara called him and sighed. It was just a flashback.


I Know I am very late. Was just busy with the engagement and all.

Guys I have published a new book, it's a two or three shots. LINKED. Do try it out.

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