15: Sick

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Shivaay's POV

"Annika?" I call out her name while driving. She hums in response and continues to look outside the window. She is enjoying the cool breeze and I am loving how her hair are blowing on her face and she's caring less about it, just enjoying the view.

"You aren't uncomfortable with me no?" I ask and she looks at me with a raised brow.

I don't know why I ask this question but I want to know after what happened in the pool yesterday and in the room in the morning. I want to know if she is comfortable in taking this relationship 

"We'll talk about this once we'll reach home." She says without looking at me and hundreds of questions come flooding in my head, the horrible questions and they are scaring the hell out of me. 

I pull in the small driveway of the building in which her apartment is located and she walks inside the apartment without giving me a look or saying anything or even waiting for me. I rush behind her and as I reach the apartment, she's standing there with a smile? I close the door and walk towards her.

She doesn't say anything, instead, she walks towards me and stand on my feet, her left foot on my right foot and her right foot on my left foot. She encircles her arms around my neck and my hands automatically grab her waist. 

"I can never be uncomfortable with you. I am more than comfortable with you. Why would you even think like this? Did I do something that made you think this? If I would've been uncomfortable with you, I wouldn't have been here, standing on your feet, very close to you if I was uncomfortable." She says and I sigh. I was getting worried. She kisses on my nose I peck her lips taking her off guard.

"Why did you not answer me in the car then? I though you." She shushes me by placing her finger on my lips. 

We both look into each other's eyes and then at lips. I lean in, she too and I capture her lips. I take her lower lip between my lips and suck hard. I am loving how she is running her fingers in my hair. I slip my tongue in her mouth and she let me do it. My hands are all over her back, playing with her hair. 

Suddenly, she pushes me a little and runs towards her room. I run behind her and hear her voices from the washroom. Damn, she's throwing up. I grab her hair and held her by stomach.

"Don't look at me." She says in between puking and I ignore her. I am not disgusted by her puking and helping her.

She is done puking and is looking tired and pale now. I help her wash her face and walk her towards the bed. I make her sit with her back against the headboard and pull the duvet over her legs and sit beside her.

"Are you alright?" I ask cupping her face. She's more hot now. Her fever must've gotten high. I am worried for her.

"I am sick, my stomach." She whispers and I make her drink water which she barely drinks. 

I call the doctor immediately and walk towards the kitchen making her lye down to make some soup for her. By the time doctor arrives, the soup is almost done. I lead the doctor to her room and she's half asleep. The doctor checks her, gives her an injection and few antibiotics. I thank the doctor after walking him towards the door. I pour some soup in the bowl and moves towards her room. I make her drink the soup and eat all the medicines. She immediately sleeps afterwards and I, properly tucking her in the blanket come out of the room switching off the lights.

Annika's POV

I open my eyes and sit on the bed. The room is dark and warm. I light the lamp placed on the bedside table and walk to the washroom to wash my face.

As I walk outside the room, Shivaay is sitting on the couch working on his laptop. He must've gotten it from his car. I walk towards him and sit beside him cuddling him.

All these years, I have lived in this apartment, no one has cared for me like him, I have never been pampered like this. How much I wished someone to be there to take care of me, it never happened until he came in my life. I am feeling so blessed right now.

"How are you feeling now?" He asks. 

"Better." I say and he kisses on my hairline. 

"What's the time?" I ask.

"It's seven in the evening." He says and I gasp. He's here for so long. And I have been sleeping for so long. 

"You should go home." 

"You want me to go?" No, I don't want you to go. 

"Yes, no, I mean you spend most of your free time here. You have a family too, your parents, you should also give time to them." He seems to think for a while.

"Okay, I'll go but after having dinner with you. I have made pasta." He says and I nearly jump and my mouth waters. 

"Okay." I happily agree.

"Btw, your phone rang so many times. Check it once." He hands over my phone to me and there are 7 missed calls, I roll my eyes seeing my father, Mr. Trivedi's 5 missed calls but it also worries me, why would he call me? The two others are from Prateek Uncle who sold me this apartment. I immediately dial his number and he picks on the third ring. I look at Shivaay after cutting the call and he looks at me questioningly.

"It was Prateek uncle's call and he told me that, actually, I am not the only owner of this apartment. A couple also signed on the lease with me because we could't afford it separately. So, they'll be shifting here next week." I say and he looks at me with 'are you serious look'.

"But you're living here for years?" I wasn't expecting this question from him.

"Yea but they'll be shifting now." I say quietly.

"You can shift to my house or my pent house if you're uncomfortable or something." He suggests, he has a smirk playing on his face and I giggle.

"No, I don't. I have been living here for years and this feels like house now and if the couple will be here, I will have company. I am good here." I say and he smiles.

"As you say. Are you hungry?" He asks and I nod like a child. 

He quickly pecks my lips, he has done it twice in the day and I just love it, his lips on mine. The kiss was heavenly which we shared in the morning. I wish we always stay like this forever. But I don't know if my wish will be fulfilled or it won't, like every other. I don't want to know, I am just living the best phase of my life now. 


Which couple from the television industry you want me to add who'll be staying in the same apartment as Annika. Don't say Arnav and Khushi because Haider is already there in the story. Arnav and Haider both are played by Barun Sobti so no Arshi.  

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