24: Distance . . .

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Annika's POV

After a long drive of around 2 hours, I am standing in front of my house. As the cold breeze passes by, I can feel the rush of adrenaline in my blood and the flashes of little me running out of those big gates. 

It's been years since I came here and things are almost same, just the color of the walls have changed and the wooden windows are replaced with the glass ones. I breathe in and out several times before I am ready to walk inside. 

I knock on the door and a girl of about my age, unfamiliar to me opens the door. She grins at me as if she knows me very well and runs inside. I roll my eyes and drag my suitcase inside. It's chilly out here in Mussoorie. 

I am in no mood of an emotional family drama right now but as I see my parents run towards me with their arms open, a smile automatically appears on my lips. I know, how much I try to hate them or how much I blame them of spoiling my childhood, my love for them will sometime overcome the  hate I have built upon years. 

My mom and dad hugs me lightly followed by my dadi and then my munchkins. 

"What a pleasant surprise doll." Dad says and I smile. He is very happy. 

"I am very tired. I need rest." I say and my dad nods before leading me to my room. 

My room. It's slightly changed but I like this more. The single bed is replaced with a double one. I like the white and red color combination. The book shelf is filled with all my favorite novels, like it was before. I walk inside and take my guitar from the corner. I play the tone dad taught me once. This is so overwhelming, the feeling of being home. Dad comes and sit beside me as I play the guitar. 

"You know I hate you." I tell on the verge of crying after keeping the guitar aside and he nods.

"I did mistakes doll, I know that but my love for you is infinite. I am your father and you are my blood. I want to make up for all my mistakes and I'll do anything that makes you happy. I will even kneel down and become a horse so you can ride on me." He tells with tears flowing from both our eyes. 

"I am 29 now." I tell laughing and he shows me his muscles.

"I am sorry doll." He opens his arms for me and I hug him tightly. Father's arms are the safest place in he world.

"What did he do?" He asks after sometime and I look confuse at him. 

"You can fool anyone in this world but not your father. I know that the guy in your house was your boyfriend. Robot was a very lame excuse." He laughs at the end reminding me of what happened in the washroom that night.

"I . . ." I stammer, having no clue what to say and he holds my hand.

"It's okay. You can marry anyone you want to. Your happiness is what matters to me the most." I don't know who this man sitting in front of me is. He has changed a lot. His perspective has changed a lot. 

"You have changed a lot dad." I tell him.

"I know doll." He ruffles my hair and I frown. He used to do that when I was 5. I used to comb my hair with a lot of difficulty and he used to spoil them. 

"Happy Belated Birthday. We celebrated your 5th birthday together and now we'll celebrate your 29th birthday." He claps and mama enters with a cake. It's a small yet cute ake and I can bet mama must've baked it. 

I hug mama and afterwards, cut the cake. It's so yummy. For a moment, I forget Shivaay, I forget what happened that night, I forget everything and spend time with my family, my happy family.

. . . 

Shivaay's POV

I rub my eyes before my vision gets adjusted to the sunlight entering from the car's window. I check the time and it's 11 am. I slept in the car only, last night. I check my phone to see if she called but instead, there are calls from Om. 

She went. I will blame myself for this only. I could've stopped her, I could've met her that day when she came to me but I didn't. I miss you Annika and I love you Annika. I am coming for you, I am coming to take you home. 

I open my Whatsapp and our chat. I leave a 'I am sorry' text and scroll up reading each and every message of us. I smile faintly at the memories and pull out of the parking lot to each home to pack and get to her.

. . . 

Annika's POV

I open the curtains and let the sunshine illuminate the room. I have unpacked my bags and I was not surprised to find the wardrobe already full with clothes. 

I sit on the bed and switch on my cellphone. There's a message from Mallika, one from Shivaay and his 17 missed calls. Why is he calling now when everything is ended? Maybe I am not his last girlfriend. 

I am not meeting him again, I am never seeing him again and I am never going back to Mumbai again. Everything is over. I know I love him but I will get over it, I will get over him. The chapter named Shivaay is closed now. 

I switch off my phone once again and wiping my tears, walk downstairs to join my family. I am very hungry and dadi has made my favorite aaloo k parathas.

. . . 

Hey guys! I know the update is boring but as Shivaay is coming to Mussoorie, it will be fun...

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