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Aries: Symbolized by the Ram, Aries charges his opponents, unafraid of butting heads. While sheep are passive, rams can be dominant and even dangerous. Aries' fearlessness is unparalleled, as he bounds into uncharted territories, the rest of us following suit. His energy can sometimes manifest as directness, as he speaks his mind without hesitation. While his brazen honesty can offend, it comes from a place of genuineness and innocence. He is often unaware of the feelings he has hurt. This simplicity and straightforwardness is part of Aries charm.

Taurus: Symbolized by the Bull, Taurus is slow and stubborn, her head facing downward, toward the earth. A large and sturdy animal, the Bull's body is weighted to the ground through her enormity and the force of gravity. Moving slowly and steadily, Taurus takes her time to open up her heart to vulnerability. When she does, her power is evident. She awakens our senses, connecting us to our bodies and the virtues of earthly delight.

Gemini: Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini is notorious for having two sides or personalities, and for being two-faced. His dual nature lends to adaptability, as he's able to explore all facets of ideas or situations. Accumulating many friends and acquaintances, exchange is important for the Twins, who love to teach others, while trading ideas and quips. They are inquisitive, but also restless, with active minds that seldom rest.

Cancer: Symbolized by the Crab, Cancer carries her home on her back. This gives her great strength on the exterior while sometimes preventing her from revealing her softer interior. Pinchers can come out, protecting her from the pain of deep sensitivity and vulnerability. With near psychic ability, she can feel what others are feelings. Her shell helps to form a barrier that delineates herself from others. Home is very important to the tender Crab, who needs a lot of alone time in coziness and comfort in order to regenerate. When she feels safe, no one is more caring than the Crab, who dances with loved ones in the sea of emotion, extending a visceral sense of home and sanctuary to anyone close to her.

Leo: Symbolized by the Lion, Leo is strong and confident, roaring freely as he displays the shock of his golden mane. Loving and lovable, the regal Lion prefers being kind or queen, ruling with immeasurable compassion. If his ego grows too large, the Lion can fall off – kilter, operating from pride, vanity, and conceit, rather than his innate kindness. Cuddly and affectionate, the Lion can be a loving partner and friend, delighted when others bask in his light.

Virgo: Represented by the Virgin, one of Virgo's key traits is her love of purity. With loyalty and pure intentions, she devotes herself to caring for friends and even strangers, softening her sometimes-icy exterior once someone has earned her trust. At that point, Virgo can emerge as affectionate, gentle, magical, and warm. In Latin, the word Virgo means "self- contained," which is perhaps more accurate in depicting this sign than the literal virgin. Self-sufficient, Virgo devotes herself to serving the earth and all beings by first taking care of herself. She will continue working hard to benefit others, as long as she receives proper respect and appreciation.

Libra: Symbolized by the Scales, Libra represents justice and equilibrium. Taking his time to make decisions, Libra can become stagnant as he weighs both sides of every issue. Libra's opposite, Aries, is decisive but crude, while Libra is refined and polite, though often held back by hesitancy. Seeking to keep the Scales in balance, Libra demonstrates his diplomacy, elegance, and grace, enveloping friends and partners in magnanimity and appreciation. Despite his wishy-washy nature, Libra can be a crusader, possessing an unyielding sense of fairness. He can delicately stand up for what is right, balancing whatever is unjust or off – kilter.

Scorpio: The classic symbol for Scorpio is the Scorpion. However, two other symbols also represent Scorpio – the Eagle and the Phoenix. These three embody the various layers of Scorpio's spiritual growth. When overwhelmed by challenging emotions, the Scorpion crawls on the ground, hiding away in dark corners of repression, ready to sting and destroy when threatened. The Eagle, too, can strike at any moment. But unlike the Scorpion, he glides through the sky—confident, visible, and free. The soaring bird has probing eyes, aware of the subtleties that others might miss. The Phoenix is the most evolved of the symbols, representing the transformational quality of Scorpio as a mythological bird who cyclically regenerates. Dying in flames, the Phoenix is reborn from the ashes – life forming from destruction. Similarly, Scorpio's power comes from her willingness to open fully to fear, and to find spiritual rebirth from the little deaths of ego.

Sagittarius: Symbolized by the Centaur and Archer, Sagittarius points his arrow toward abstract truth and faraway lands, galloping into the distance to gather experiences and wisdom. Half horse, half man, the Centaur has animal strength and stamina, along with human ability to philosophize. A straight shooter, no sign has more candor, which can be both a gift and a curse. Sagittarius speaks his mind, sometimes pushing his own beliefs onto others. Keeping his ideologies in check, no sign is more inspiring, helping others to broaden their horizons by introducing them to expansive views and experiences.

Capricorn: Symbolized by the Sea – Goat, Capricorn has two sides – the mountain goat and the fish. She can climb the mountains of success and social prestige, while also diving deep into the ocean of wisdom. Harnessing practicality, she places one foot in front of the other, moving steadily, with strong sense of purpose and intention. Practical and retrained, she prioritizes achieving the task at hand, sometimes at any cost. Dedicated to reaching the highest peaks in all of her endeavors, the Goat does not lose sight of the ideals gleaned from Sagittarius. She applies determination to creating strong family units, as well as the systems and structures that form the basis of society. A mature Capricorn is more inclined to use her fishtail, diving deep into the wells of emotion before laying a foundation or beginning her steady rise to accomplishment.

Aquarius: Symbolized by the Water Bearer, Aquarius is one of the signs represented as a human – being along with Virgo the Virgin and Gemini the Twins. The Water Bearer offers water – the sustenance of life and spirituality – and he does so without sacrificing his individuality or independence. Water washes away the past and clear the way for a future more connected with purity and enlightenment. A visionary, the Water Bearer carries a vessel that symbolizes open – ended spirituality – available to all in equal measure. Water itself represents the collective unconscious, along with the sea of interconnection. As the second to the last sign, Aquarius is preparing us for Pisces, the last stop of the zodiac, which represents transcendence. In this way, Aquarius the Water Bearer Is the height of human possibility before dissolving into spirituality, nonconceptuality and oneness.

Pisces: Pisces is symbolized by two Fish who swim in opposite directions. The word Pisces means "fish" in Latin. Feelings pulled by the duality of being human, Pisces struggles to be both spiritual and human, tied to the material realm while floating in space. It is also said that one Fish is swimming upstream toward transcendence, while the other brings that wisdom downstream, back into the world. The two Fish embody receptivity, as Pisces possesses the capacity to understand opposing views and all facets of human nature and existence. Swimming effortlessly through any current, the Fish can blend with their surroundings, accommodating all that arises. Pisces is therefore the most compassionate of signs, embodying universal love, totality, forgiveness, and understanding.

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