Chapter One: Painting

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(Angel on side)

I pulled up to the performing arts center seeing Carter running towards me. Yeah my baby got talent Just like his daddy. He wants to be Just like him and of course I'ma help him out.

"Hey mommy" He said kissing my cheek before sitting in his carseat strapping himself in.

"Hey, how was school?"

"Amazing! Can we go to auntie angel and uncle trey's house?"

"I don't know they're probably busy"

"Mommy!!" He whined.

"Hey look" I said turning up the radio making new flame blast through the speakers. Hopefully that bought me some time.

I pulled up outside of an abandoned storage unit after dropping Carter off at angels. I promised to come back after I was done running some errands.

"Hey Chrystal" The security guard said opening the gate. Of course I didn't give them my real name. I always wear a purple wig when I come here. My hair is Jet black with purple tips so that should help. My paintings are still secret from the world no matter what but I painted a moral of my parents for their banquet and hopefully they'll appreciate it.

"Hey Larry I'm Just here to pick something up and I'm gone" I said smiling.


I opened the gate looking at my wall full of pictures of Chris. Some of karrueche with her eyes cut out and blood going down her face and the rest random graffiti. I checked behind the one that had me, Chris, and carter and picked up the painting before walking out. I took a glance at the portrait of me and Chris and Carter before sighing and walking out.

"Is that all ma'am?" Larry asked while closing the gate

"That's all, have a nice day" I smiled before getting in my car and putting my key in the ignition

"You too ma'am"


"This is beautiful" Angel squealed while holding up the painting

"Damn yell you got talent" Trey said looking at the picture

"Why thank you, but it's Just something I threw together nothing serious"

"Yea more like major! Danyella I know you hate mama and daddy right now but they will so much appreciate this I know for sure" She smiled.

" They better! That's at least fourty dollars worth of material better appreciate that shit like its a new kidney" I said taking the picture making them laugh

"I'ma go check on the kids" Angel said before walking out. I put the picture back in its case before glancing at Trey who was smirking. "Tremaine what did you do?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Me? Nothing I'm the good one"


"Ok, ok I talked to Chris"

"And? What did you say?!"

"Don't worry yell he said he was coming down here in a couple weeks"

"Good for him he won't be seeing me"

"Yella you know he'll eventually find out about Carter"

"Yes I know, but for now he doesn't know.. Trey please don't tell him"

"You're like my sister, I won't disobey you like that"

"Thanks TT" I said kissing his cheek

"Yella Carters asleep you mind if he stay the night?"

"No, I'll be back to get him in The morning"

"No you won't! Im taking the kids to sea world while Trey's at the studio and I'm not watching two kids by myself" She said wraving her finger in the air. Did I mention they have a daughter? Navoda. She's the same age as Carter and I swear she a mini devil

"A'ight but you better tell voda bad ass to leave me alone"

"come on she loves her auntie" Trey laughed

"And I love cheesecake but I don't draw on it"

"You eat it" Angel replied

"It's food!"

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