Chapter Twenty Three: Bitches these days

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(Carter on the side)

I stirred in my sleep with thoughts about what happened between me and anya. What if all she wanted was to be friends again? Who am I lying to?

"Mommy!"Carter yelled from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and flipped out of bed. I swear my belly is only getting bigger by the hour.

"What?' I asked before seeing Chris standing by the doorway with a huge kool-aid smile on his face.

"Hey baby" He said cheerfully but I Just remained steal.

"Mommy daddy brought gifts for us" Carter said while holding up a bag.

"Gifts?' I asked before taking the bag. Ok im a sucker for presents.. Don't Judge.

"Im guessing you're not mad at me anymore" Chris said as he sat next to me.

" I was never mad at you honey, Im Just upset you couldn't answer my simple question with a simple answer"

"Ba-" He started but I quickly crashed my lips against his making him place his hands on my waiste.

"I missed you, Im Just happy you're here, ok?"

"I love you yella, Always know that"

"I love you too, But I love the fact you ended up coming home early knowing Carter's birthday is two days away"

"Speaking of that.. I decided we should go visit my mom, You know since she's never actually had the chance to see carter"

"Ohhhh, No, No,No,No. You know your mother hates me"

"She doesen't hate you"

"She said Im nothing but a side hoe chris" I said making him chuckle. "That's not funny!"

"You right, You right, Im sorry"

"Besides it's not nice to come un-announced like that" I said while walking to the kitchen.


"You didn't!"

He smiled.

"Oh my god Im gonna die"


I sat indian style on the bed as I watched the real. I have the whole house to myself since lavoda is away at mama's house. I thought about going over yella's but Im pretty sure she's in deep thought after that whole anya lesbian situation. Instead I called over my friend keyshia.

"Eww she should not wear a pink dress with orange heels" She said while scrunching up her face.

"Said the person dressed in all plaid" I laughed.

"Shut up!, Where's your baby daddy at anyway?"

I sighed. "You know he's on tour"

"Uh, no he's not, Chris Just tweeted he's at home about to.. you don't need to know"

"Well maybe he stopped for a drink or something you know how trey is"

"Yeah he's a grown ass man that still thinks he's a boy"

"Keyshia don't start this, please"

"Start what?"

"Since I started dating him you've done nothing but doubt his love for me like you know something I don't, You act like you like him or something" I said laughing at the last part but her face stayed emotionless. "Don't tell me you like him!"

"What? Girl no"

"Keyshia you're lying why are you lying to me?"

"How you gone tell me Im lying!!!! It's me damn!"

"Fine, Get the hell out! If you wanna sit here and lie to my damn face then get out"

"Baby Im home" I heard Trey's voice say after the front door shut. He walked into the room giving keshiya a disgusted look before kissing me. "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing, I was Just leaving" She said before rolling her eyes and walking out the door. I rolled my eyes before laying back.

"What was that about?"

"I guess I Just lost a friend" I sighed. Bitches these days I swear.

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