Author's note

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So this is my last author's note! I'm not sure if everyone is ready yet but there's four chapters left and I'm finishing them tonight ҉٩(*'︶'*)۶҉ yeah celebrate!!

But It's ending during the wedding and thats a two part thing so technically there's two chapters left. The one next is planning the wedding and the next is a MEGA surprise!! But make sure to keep a close eye during the wedding because there's something you won't wanna miss. ҉٩(*'︶'*)۶҉

For Teach Me 3: New Flame its not gonna be in Chris or Danyella's point of views anymore. I'll probably throw them in sometimes but it's about Carter and Anastasia mostly and there Journeys also you'll be seeing Navoda and the twins Jordan and Tyrese. Which will be VERY drama filled. And an amazing twist. But comment your thoughts I hope you enjoyed this book along with book one. Bye Peoples.

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