Chapter Fourteen : News Pt. 2

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I watched as Monica and Danyella had a stare off. I ain't even focused on Lexis ol grimmy ass. But I do wanna know how he became a doctor all of a sudden

"Well looks like its a small town after all" Monica finally spoke.

" I guess it must be, but it's good to see you again" I said trying to be nice.

"Yeah you too, looks like you two made it after all, and a child wow congrats"

"Well it's true love, something you couldn't find" Yella said rudly. Monica laughed before raising her hand in the air.

"Honey I been found it and more"


I glanced at the diamond ring on her finger and a smirking lexis. This can't be possible!

"Wait you're telling me you guys.. Are engaged?" I asked making Chris have a shock face. He's always been slow.

"Yea, the moment you guys moved out of Georgia we ended up connecting on a whole nother level. Looks like you're not the only one after someone's leftovers" She said making lexis laugh. By this time I'm done talking to them. I Just wanna know when I can leave so they can get the hell on! I don't even wanna stay in this hospital knowing they work here.

"Look enough with this meeting, what's up with me?"

Lexis moved towards me with a clipboard in his hand. He smiled at me before motioning for Monica to leave. She rolled her eyes and walked out. Looks like when that bitch said she doesn't blame me she was lying. But hell at the time chris wasn't a millionaire he was a teacher and now that he is I understand how jealous she became. But like my mama use to say "tough titty says the kitty"

" Well Ms.Carter and Mr.Brown I would like to first apologize for Monica's behavior. Yeah we're engaged but you have to understand she's going through a lot at the moment her being pregnant and having to be out of a Job for a while"

I nodded. He's actually talking like a human being! Looks like he changed which is more than I can say for Monica hating ass.

" It's fine I Just wanna know my results and you may go"

He cleared his throat. "I see, well lucky for you it wasn't only a minor injury and you're free to go whenever. Once you crashed police was already patrolling the streets and made it in time to help you out so you can thank god"

"Thanks lexis,is that all?"

"Yea, and I Just wanna say sorry about everything I've put you two through in the past. It wasn't mature of me and I would love it if you can forgive me"

"The past is the past" Chris said dapping Lexis. I smiled seeing how all my drama I went through is now behind me. No more grudges or errors. My life is finally coming together.

"Thanks I'll be back with the check out forms" He said turning around to walk away before he stopped in his tracks. "Oh and congratulations on your pregnancy"

"Tha-- Pregnancy!?!" I yelled making Carter wake up and look at me. I'm pregnant?

Teach Me 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora