Chapter Seven: Like Father Like son

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I wroke up seeing I had three missed calls from angel and two from my mother and father. I yawned looking at the clock seeing its twelve fifteen. Oh isn't this great. The banquet is at two and ends at ten thirty which means I have to start getting ready because I have to help set up. I walked to the bathroom and took a twenty minute shower before lotioning my body and putting a towel around me.

"Damn, did you expect my arrival?" Chris said while smiling

"No, I have someplace to be so lucky you, you get Carter for the day"

"Where are you going?" He asked as I slipped on my comic book print outfit

"My mother is having a banquet so I have to go set up"

" And you can't take Carter because?"

"I don't want him around those people!"

"Yella that's his family too, you can't Just keep him away from them"

"I'm sorry why do you care?"

"Because he's my son! And I don't want him growing up without knowing half his family"

" He knows them Chris, and besides he doesn't know your side why don't you show him" I said grabbing my purse. "I'm leaving"

"Ok, have fun" He said placing his hands in his pockets. I rolled my eyes before walking out. He's up to something I Just know it.


"Hey mommy!" I said while walking in the ballroom

"Don't hey mommy me, why wasn't you answering your phone?"

" I was sleeping"

"With Chris" Angel mumbled making me hit her arm.

"Chris?" I heard my dad say walking form the back. How did he even hear that?

"Yes daddy,Carter's father you know him"

" I know he hit women for a living" My mom chimed in.

"Excuse you!? That wasn't his fault! People so quick to wanna fucking--"

"Watch your mouth" My dad said raising his hand.

"Whatever, I'm leaving"

"Wait!, Yella please stay" Angel said grabbing my arm. "Lavoda and Trey are in the back setting up the speakers why don't you go help them?"

"Anything to get away from them" I said walking away.



"Daddy I'm hungry" Carter said coming in the room while rubbing his tummy

" How about we go to a party?"

" Mommy said I'm not supposed to go to parties uninvited because that's rude"

"If only you knew about mommy's past, Now go get get your Jacket so we can go" I said while putting on my Jacket.

"Yes sir" He said running off.

I can only picture Danyella's face once we show up. Most importantly I can't wait to see the look on her snotty nose parents faces.Im not sure if after all these damn years they could still hate me but then again yella loved me all those years and hid a child from me so anythings possible.

"I'm ready!" Carter smiled. I laughed seeing we we're matching

"You didn't have to change your whole outfit"

" I wanted to be swagged out" He said popping his collar

"You know you act Just like me?" I said putting him in his carseat

"I'm mini breezy aren't I supposed to?"

I laughed. "Yeah"

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