Chapter Eleven: Oh, A'ight

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"Baby wake up" I said while shaking Carter.


"Don't huh me boy, daddy coming to get you" I said putting another shirt in his bag.

"But he didn't tell me that" He said pouting his big lips. I swear he looks like Chris way to much.

" He wanted to surprise you but I have to go somewhere"

"You're weaving?" He said with a sad face.

"Carter you're gonna be all the way across town with your father"

"But I wanna be with both of you! Why can't you guys Just stay together so I won't have to go anywhere"

"Carter please, me and your father are just not that into each other" I said while looking through his closet. And it's true! He completely stopped talking to me or flirting and is now back with karrueche like I assumed would happen. I did what I didn't wanna do and that's give my hopes up.

"But mommy"

"Don't!" I said before going downstairs to get the door. "come in" I said moving aside

"Carter ready?" Chris asked in a sleepy voice. His eyes were red as if he was crying.

"Y-Yeah, Everything alright?"

"Yeah man everything great" He said showing a fake smile

"You're lying, Don't you know who you're talking to? Tell me what's wrong?"

He sighed deeply. "I'm stressed out, X Just came out and I have so much drama with K it's Just stressful"

"Chris you decided to go back to her, if it's so stressful you could've broken up with her"

"Yeah, I know"

"I'll go get Carter" I said turning around to walk away when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"I keep thinking about us yella" He whrispered in my ear making chills go down my spine

" What about us?"

"Everything, The way I made you laugh, and feel, the romantic dates and especially the sex, it's always been you baby girl"

"T-The-- what!?"

" I love you" He said leaving trails down my neck

" Oh.. A'ight" Is that all!? But Then again what do you say after your baby daddy says he still loves you after everything that happened between you guys. I busted out laughing making him raise an eyebrow. Ok that wasn't smart.

"What was that?" He laughed while walking to the couch.

"I Just don't know what to say about that, it's been so long since we was together. It's hard to believe"

"But it shouldn't be, come here" He said motioning me to walk towards him. I went over there and sat on his lap while laying my head against his chest. "I was mad at you for keeping Carter from me but I got over it, because you're my only love! If I was to die tomorrow It wouldn't be without making you my wife first because no matter what happens. You're my baby"

Once he was done I felt tears streaming down my face.

"Mommy what's wrong?" Carter asked while approaching me.

"Nothing, Mommy's Just happy, Uhm you ready to go?" I asked while standing up and wripping my tears.

"Mmmhmm, we're gonna have so much fun!" He yelled while Jumping up and down.

"Yeah we are, let's get going so mommy can get ready for her girls day"

"Ok, bye mommy" Carter said as he hugged me.

"Bye baby have fun, I'll pick you up later tonight"

" Make sure you stop by my bedroom before leaving" Chris whispered in my ear before walking out. I shut the door behind them and automatically busted out laughing. Why am I laughing? I have no idea.

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