Chapter Twenty Nine: Night Before

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December 24th

I rushed through all the planning notebooks making sure I had everything done. I'm actually getting married tomorrow! I never thought I would even close to make it to this point. I have to admit there was a lot to overcome during my short ass planning time but I got everything done and its perfect I Just hope nothing goes wrong today.

"Baby relax everything's gonna be fine" Chris said while wrapping his arms around my waist

"I know, I know, This Is Just a big deal to me you know? What if something goes wrong I will be so freaking embarrassed I mean reporters will be there this will be om TV most likely all your fans will know about it everyone will know about it!" I said really fast.

"Baby breath, Everythings gonna be perfect Just like you wanted, As long as we're getting married that's all that matters"

"What would I do without you?" I asked turning to look at him.

"You'd be marrying yourself and have to go to scientists and explain how you had two kids on your own"

"Shut up big head" I said mushing his face when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" I said going to answer the door when my heart skipped a beat.

"What are you doing here?" I said not really wanting to start a conversation.

"Baby who is-- Oh"


"I'm sorry to come by so unannounced but, can I come in?" Anya asked as me and yella Just stared at her.

"I don't wanna cause anything I Just wanted to come in" She said putting hee hands up in surrender.

"How about you tell me why you're here first? The last time I let you in without reasoning you was up to all sorts of shit and I'm not scared to beat your ass this time"

Anya gasped knowing she'd most likely do it. "I-I wanted to apologize to you, I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry, I miss being your friend yella, we were so close and I let one guy get to me for no reason especially knowing he wanted you at the end"

"How do I know you're not lying again?"

"If I was would I have aborted my baby" She said but quickly bit her tongue. To little to late bitch.


My heart shattered as I heard those words escape her mouth. Chris couldn't have gotton her pregnant. He told me they only fooled around sometimes that's all.

"What does thay gotta do with us?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Chris was the father but don't worry I aborted it before I started to show, I couldn't do that to you, You still mean so much to me" She said before I slapped the shit out of her making Loud noise. She grabbed her cheek before charging at me but I shut the door so she hit her head on the door really hard. I hope I killed that hoe

"Yella I--"

"Don't" I said putting my hand up to make him shut up.

"I honestly don't give a damn anymore, she doesn't even know if the baby was yours she Just said that to hurt me, This isn't a problem we can't work through, Hell we ain't gotta work! I'm marrying you Christopher Maurice Brown and nobody is gonna ruin my day for me!" I yelled about to hyperventilate.

"Shh calm down girl, You're my ride or die and I love you more than anyone else in the world.. Except my mother and the kids, but I love you so much"

"I know that, prove it, On our wedding day" I said before walking upstairs. I'm way to excited to let some hoe screw me over and kill my vibe. She can puff puff pass be gone.

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