Chapter Fifteen: Happy Birthday

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I walked out of the shower seeing Chris playing video games with Carter. They both had on black Jeans and a red button down shirt with the first three buttons undone and their hair in a curly mess while wearing black and red Jordans.

" Aww look at my boys" I smiled as I put on my diamond earrings

"happy birthday baby" Chris said while wrapping his arms around my waist

" Thanks baby"

" Happy birday mommy" Carter said while kissing my cheek.

"Thank you baby, you look handsome"

"Hey!" Chris said while crossing his arms.

"You too bighead"

I keep trying to figure out when did I get pregnant. I can't even remember the last time me and Chris had sex and that's sad coming from me. Hell anyone! Most people that dream to have sex with Chris would be sure to probably take his underwear and tape it to a photo album or something. Maybe I should've done that.

I lost focus. Today's we and angel's 23rd birthday Which means my parents are having this huge BBQ at the the park for us. It was supposed to be a surprise but lord knows Carter and Chris can keep a secret from me.

We pulled up to the park within a half an hour do to the traffic. I smiled seeing all my family playing and talking and apparently eating I guess they couldn't wait. Im not sure if I wanna tell them about the pregnancy yet I mean my dad is sick and this could possibly make him sicker. Or not.

"Hey everybody!!" I yelled once I walked in the park.

"Happy Birthday Aliza" My auntie Tracy said while handing me a box with a ribbon on it.

" Thanks auntie T"

"Don't be alarmed but Chris Brown is behind you" She whrispered in my ear. I turned around seeing him surrounded by a lot of people. I chuckled before returning my attention back to my auntie.

" Yeah I know, that's Carter's father remember?"

"You lying!"

" Nope he's my Boo, but can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course"

"I'm pregnant" I whrispered in her ear. You might wonder why would I tell her. She has a very hard time memoring things. We think it's altimers kicking in. Her eyes widened as she placed her hand on my tummy.

"congratulations Aliza, do your parents know?"

I sighed. "No auntie Im waiting for the right moment, you know?"

"I completely understand?" She said while smiling. I looked towards the bounce house seeing Carter and Lavoda Jumping with some other kids. I made my way over there seeing angel rolling her eyes as Trey took pictures with some fans.

"See now what if your eyes get stuck like that?"

"Oh my god happy birthday!" She said hugging me then taking a sip from her book. Huh?

"Happy Birthday to you too, Give me this" I said taking the book out the her hand. I pressed the button on the side made a tube appear at the top. I sniffed it and looked dead at her. "You're sneaking Juice?"

"Well the adults get beer and wine but I rather drink.. Juice" She said saying the last word in a high pitched voice.

"Angel, you're pregnant?"


I snuck up behind Trey seeing him taking a selfie with someone. I did Bunnie ears behind him as the flash went off. The woman laughed making him turn around.

"Nigga you always photo bombing people" He laughed while dapping me.

"I had to you know that, and damn aren't you rude I haven't spoken to you in a while"

"But you Just had to speak to me now?" He asked shaking his head.

"Shut up, where Lavoda bad ass at?"

"With Carter, you know since you've been gone she's been tourturing her?"

I laughed. "She told me, damn" I said mumbling the last part.


"You got angel pregnant didn't you?" I asked making him bust out laughing

"How the hell did you figure that?"

"She over there drinking out the Bible and shit"

"A'ight but don't tell nobody yet, she trying to keep it a secret until the right time"

"I hear you, yella is too"

"Hol up you ain't wrap it up?"

"See how you gone ask me that with your crazy ass?" I laughed.

"But still, you do know you're gonna have to tell yella sooner or later"

I signed. "Yea I know"



"Attention everyone" My mother said while standing up as we all sat down ready to eat. Chris held my right hand under the table while Carter held my left. So far this is the best birthday ever even if I did Just find out my twin sister is pregnant too.

" As you all know today is Danyella and Angel's birthday" She said smiling making everyone clap.

"You're turning 23 today which means no more childish ass games" My dad said making people laugh except me who sucked my teeth.

"I'm not childish I'm Just fun" I Joked making everyone laugh

"Well fun, childish either way you're my baby girls and I'm glad to be able to be here for your big day" My dad smiled. It went sort of quiet because people knew what he meant. He looks sicker and sicker every time you see him. Im starting to think this is more than he's telling us.

After the speech and everyone started eating angel was the next to stand up.

"I Just wanted to say happy birthday to my twin! As you all know she's older than me by three minutes do she thinks shes the big dog in the family" She Joked. I can only imagine what shes about to say. I immediately stood up.

"What are you doing?" I whrispered in her ear.

"But I have an announcement I have to say because it's important"

I flopped down in my seat deciding to let her say it. As long as my business ain't out I'm fine.

"I'm pregnant" She smiled making some people looked at Trey then clapped.They're actually excepting this?

"Wow, angel I--" my mother was cut off by a loud thump. We looked towards my father who was laying flat on the ground. "Oh my god!"

I looked at him with my heart pounding as the ambulance took him in the truck shutting the door behind them and driving off down the road.

"come on we'll meet him there" Chris said while taking my hand. I don't care what condition he's in right now. I want answers.

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