Chapter Twelve: Drama mama

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"He said what?!" Angel yelled as we entered the mall. I told her all about what happend with chris.

" He still loves me which I don't understand, Yeah we were a cute couple but what about miss karrueche tran"

"Girl, Fuck that bitch!" She yelled loud enough making some people look at us.

" Angel!"

" She's Just like rihanna triffling ass, Only want him for his money and if he so stressed out then you should know"

" I'm Just confused"

"don't be! He said he loves you so believe him"

"Yeah, ok"


"Look at the fishy's" Carter said pointing at an aquarium. I brought him to a walk in aquarium. It Just opened and its actually pretty cool. But I Just wanna see Danyella on top of me at this point. I've been stressed out so fucking much! First with my album then getting a call from Trey saying Danyella got a surprise for me when I see her. Once he said that I had to come early and find out. Not like I guessed it'll be a human. Then Im stressed about yella parents and now I'm back to that whole Monica and Danyella thing except with karrueche. But don't get me wrong I like K so much but yella has always been my love since so many years ago. My life is Just like a fucking love story that gets added with drama every chance it gets. And pretty much if I'm the main character I'ma sue.

" Hello Christopher" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned around seeing no other than Trina.

"Grandma!" Carter yelled as he ran and hugged her. I quickly picked him up and looked straight in her eyes before saying what I was gonna say. If I'm willing to get back with yella then I need the damn drama to end before I lose my damn mine.

" Trina please don't try to start shit with me on a beautiful day that Im trying to spend with my son. You and your husband have no reason to hate me! I haven't done anything but stay faithful to your daughter because I love her and if I didn't I wouldn't be trying to be a father in my child's life. You seem to wanna blame me for not being here since the beginning but I'm Just now finding out about him. I don't wanna be hated over nothing and I won't Jestify myself to you or your husband because you ain't gotta like me but yella and Carter do! They're my family and its sad you and your husband can't be apart of it. It's not my decision to keep Carter in your life or not that's yella's and I highly doubt it'll happen with that attitude"

She cleared her throat before tears started coming from her eyes. I put Carter down and took her In for a hug.

"Chris I'm so sorry, I actually like you! you're perfect for my daughter and my husband thinks so too"

"So what's that show you keep putting on?"

She sniffiled. "Carl has cancer" She whrimpered into my chest.


I left the mall and dropped angel off. I thought about what she said and she's right. Without a doubt I love Chris and he loves me.

"Hello?" I said after answering my earpiece

"Baby where are you?" Chris said with a hint of pain in his voice

"I'm on my way to get Carter, why? What happened?!"

"Look I bumped into your mom an--"

"Oh that bitch! What did she have to say?"

"Yella please let me finish"

"What's to finish? Her and my father or devious little brats who gives a damn"

"Your dad has cancer yella"

I hung up the earpiece as tears streamed down my face. I looked up seeing rain starting to pour. Before I knew it the whole world went black.

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