Chapter Twenty Eight: Planning

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I wroke up and quickly ran downstairs and opened the door for angel. I don't care if chris Just proposed to me it's wrise to plan early.

"Have you thought about where it's gonna be?" Angel asked while eating a grape.

"Yeah I was thinking at the church mama and daddy got married"

" California heights baptist church?"

"Yeah, It's traditional and Uncle santana runs it soooo it's a good decision"

"Do you know the flowers?"


"Guest? Seating arrangements?"

"It's my damn wedding and yes!"


A smile automatically spread across my face. "Actually yes, I'm having it custom made so it won't be ready until next month"

"Ooo do you have the date?"

"December 25th"

"Awww Christmas"

"I know right, I've always loved the snow and is so tempted to getting married in it"

"Well I'm proud of you chicka you're getting married that's so huge"

"Tell me about it" I sighed when Chris walked in the kitchen shirtless and still half way asleep while holding Anastasia

"Hey baby, Ghetto doll" He said making me laugh.

"I'm not even gonna let you ruin my day Christopher, you're gonna be my brother In law and we'll be related" She smirked.

"But not by blood so shut up"

"Nope, Face it you'll have to put up with me rather you like it or not"

He huffed before rolling his eyes. "Alright damn leave me alone"

"You two are to much I swear" I laughed when Carter walked in rubbing his tummy.

"Mom I'm hungry please cook me breakfast daddy almost killed me last time" He complained making both me and angel laugh.

"Hey I can cook!, Just when I don't feel like doesn't come out good"

"People lie so much" Carter said while shaking his head.

"Fine Lil Nigga I'll take you out for breakfast sincs you so rude acting like ya mama"

"I ain't rude Thank you Christopher "

"Why y'all keep calling me by my full name? I cut it short for a reason"

"Which is?"

"Bitches can't moan Christopher its to long"

"Ew get out" I said pushing chris out of the kitchen. "And give me my baby" I said taking Anastasia who was clinged on to Chris. I can only picture her when she's older always begging her daddy for something.

"Wove you" He said making a puppy dog face making me laugh.

"You're so childish"

"But you love me"

"Nah I love this wedding that I gotta get back to now bye bye and bring me back something!"

"I'll bring you back me!" He yelled after me.

"I'm serious! If I only get you we fighting!"


"Daddy will you love Princess more than me?" He asked calling Anastasia by the nickname he gave her. While we were watching princess and the frog stasia started clapping once the singing part came so Carter started calling her princess

"Of course not, I love you both the same way understand that, ok?"

"Okay" He smiled showing his missing tooth. I know without a doubt I'll love my kids equally I can never understand those that don't. Everyone has feelings and needs attention especially kids. I'm gonna be the best father in The world. I promise that.

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