Chapter Thirty-One: The Wedding pt.2 (End)

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(Danyella's dress on the side)

We finally Arrived at the church In under fifteen minutes. Once I walked in the dressing room everyone was waiting.

"Hey everyone" I said about to cry so angel took Anastasia.

"Look at the bride to be, This day came so fast" My mom said getting up to hugging me which lead to a group hug.

"Well we all know how Chris is, when he starts something he rushes through it" Joyce said and I tried my best not to think dirty but damn That was a good one.

"Yeah, Did my dress get delivered yet?" I asked and a smile spread across everyone's faces.

"What y'all so happy for?"

"The dress Is so gorgeous sweetie"

"You guys looked!"

"Sorry it was tempting, I see you planning on getting some tonight" Angel said making everyone laugh

"Shut up its Just real pretty, Mommy you had a dress like that"

"Yea, Except mine was neon blue, I had a glow in the dark themed wedding"

"That sounds so pretty" Angel said cheerfully. I feel sorry for Trey.

"It really was, But You got a snow theme going on that's pretty especially since its Christmas"

"It actually was Chris's idea" I said swaying from side to side. I remember when I didn't know what to do about the theme. Chris already had this while winter ball theme in his head and Its honestly so pretty. It makes me feel bad for Monica.

"You're serious?"Angel said shocked.

"Yeah, I remember when Chris was little, He wasn't like most boys he knew he wanted to get married one day and he was excited about it. One day he came up to me with the exact theme you're talking about. He's Just been the wedding type but was looking for the right person" Joyce said before taking my hand into hers. "And he found her" She smiled making me blush.

"Okay, Okay enough mooshy gooshy stuff time to start getting ready" Angel said taking a sip from her wine.

"Got that covered" I smiled. "I already got my make-up done this morning which is why I was rushing, I called chris and he's on his way and fully dressed along with Carter. All I gotta do is put on my dress" I said and everyone started clapping making me bow.

"Why thank you" I laughed.



"You nervous?" Angel whrispered as Danyella walked down the aisle.

"I'm getting irritated with you whispering in my damn ear move"

"You Just cursed in church!"

"I'll apologize get away before I take the tracks out your head"I said pushing her right when yella walked up to me.

"Hey" She smiled showing her deep dimples.

"Hey, I know we in church but, Is you trying to get fucked tonight?" I asked looking her up and down making her thump my head.

"Stop being dirty and you better pray"

"I will damn" I said making her shoot me a look.

"It's a habit, that's why I don't go to church" I said making her laugh.



I wrapped my arms around Chris's neck as we slow danced to At Last by Etta James.

"You know this is our first dance?" I smiled making him smile and blush.

"I know, We're actually doing good to"

"Yeah, You can thank me" I said cocky.

He laughed. "I'm the dancer in the family"

"Yeah, Yeah that's fast dancing"

"Are we actually gonna argue over this?"

"Nah cuz I won already" I laughed before looking over seeing Joyce dancing with Carter and my mother dancing with Anastasia.

"That's so cute" I said in Aww

"Looks like Carter takes after me" He said when a fast song came on.

"Yeah, Let's Just see how long that last, I doubt he'll wanna be a singer"

"It could happen, But I guess it's up to them what they do"


"..Thanks" Chris said making me look at him weirdly

"For what?"

"Until I met you I didn't know how to love someone as much as I love you, I was your teacher but you ended up teaching me"

"And it was well taught" I smiled.

"How come weddings are where you're most cocky?"

"I don't know I'm Just happy" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Me too, But you know what I hope?"


"When Carter and Anastasia are older they look out for each other no matter what"

"As long as they're anything like us, They have a lot to worry about"

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