An Army Behind us

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"How'd everything go?" I helped Toshinori out of his suit jacket and tie. He and a few other teachers went to the entirety- yes, the whole body- of the students and gathered approval to go to live on dorms on UA's grounds. I liked the idea, it was for safety.

Toshinori huffed, "It was...okay. Mrs. Midoriya was very hesitant to let her son even continue hero work...but, I promised that I'd protect him, and she humbly agreed. She's a very heroic lady...really cares about her son."

I hummed, looking at his bandages. Some of them were stretched, and I knew exactly what that meant. "You went into your hero form again, didn't you?"

He nodded, "I'm sorry, I had was to prove my devotion to my successor and his training."

"I understand, but..." I trailed off, frowning. "I'm sorry, I know...but, now that you're retired, I don't want you to ever put your health on the's very fragile, after all."

Toshinori slumped himself on my shoulder, kissing my temple. "I'm sorry. I don't like worrying you..." He groaned tiredly, so did his body.

I let go of my serious demeanor, hugging him tight and protectively. "You wanna sit down? You need some more rest."

"So do you..." He limply plopped down on the sofa, grunting as he kicked off his shoes and putting them up on the ottoman.

His eyes landed on the end table, seeing all my new papers for the second semester of chemistry. I was eating myself alive over them, not wanting to go insane on the students. "Classes don't start for about two weeks...are you gonna be ready to teach?"

"Yeah, I'm just figuring out the new curriculum for this semester. I want it to be fresh and helpful..." I picked up a few papers, typed out with about two units to go over so far for the first quarter. "I feel like this year has...flown by. Like the instant when you met Izuku the world sped up, you know?"

"I agree..." He rubbed his forehead, pinching his nose and shutting his eyes. "There's too much going on all the time, but I think it's gonna get easier...With the baby on the way...I hate to say it, but I think it was about time to retire anyway..."

I parked myself on the spot next to him, basking in the peaceful moment. It felt like the world was standing still, just for a few seconds. Toshinori looked beaten still. He was done, he couldn't do much anymore. All he had left to do was to raise up the new pillar who would save society again.

I frowned as I thought of Tomura Shigaraki...I couldn't help but feel horrible for him in some odd way. He must have...he had to have been manipulated to be the way he is now. I had so many questions sitting in the corners of my mind.

Calming myself, I took Toshinori's hand and rested it on my stomach. He stirred and opened an eye to look at me, a small smile tugging on the corners of his lips.

"Can you imagine it, sunflower? Sitting like this in a few months and we can feel those little kicks..." I couldn't help but giggle softly, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I can't wait for it..." He blushed and scoffed, brushing his hair out of his face. "I can't believe you got pregnant over two months ago...we were a little irresponsible!"

"Oh, yeah, but I think it was worth it. A fun story to tell them when they're old enough."

We locked eyes for a second before we both busted out laughing.


"Hi, Mrs. Yagi!" Uraraka waved as I entered the dorm. Wow, it was really well-decorated and for sure offered enough room for all the twenty students.

Some of the students were all relaxing from a long day of training in the lounge area, eating snacks and socializing. I really liked this other aspect of the dorms idea besides safety for the students, they really got to become closer as a class now that they were living together.

"It's great to see you, ma'am." Yaoyorozu waved.

"It's great to see you all, too!" I smiled politely. "How has dorm life been so far?"

"Pretty good! I like being so close to everyone, it's fun!" Ashido swung her feet.

"That's great to hear...! Well, I was hoping for everyone to be around because I have an announcement. I'm sure you all would like to hear it. I'll wait until dinner, though."

I chatted with the girls about various little things and what not until about twenty minutes past.

It was funny to watch Bakugo curse a few of his classmates out. He shut up when he realized I was there, all of them having little conversations with me.

"Mrs. Yagi, would you like some food to eat?" Iida offered.

I grinned, thinking it might be a fun time to tell them all. "Actually yes. Could you make it a double portion?"

"A double portion? I hope you don't mind me asking, but why a double portion?" Izuku raised an eyebrow as he sipped a cup of water.

I chuckled, "When you're eating for two you have to make sure both of you are fed."

Both young men exchanged confused glances, Bakugo on the edge of the kitchen slowly sipping the broth of the soup. He evidently understood as he began coughing and sputtering on his food.

"Wh- Jesus, you and All Might are having a kid!?" He cleared his throat hysterically.

The commotion of it all attracted much of the other students.

Izuku and Tenya started freaking out.

Word spread very quickly, and soon everyone was clattering with wonderment.

"Yes, I am pregnant. All Might and I are going to be parents. We're due in February." I explained when asked, every student individually congratulated me.

"Ey, teach." Katsuki reached out and shook my hand, leaning in and whispering, "Congrats, I guess."

I was surprised he even said something at all. "Thank you, Katsuki."

The level of support I received was amazing.

Izuku came up to me when the others began to disperse, happy and giddy about it. "I wonder what kind of Quirk the kid will have since you know-"

"Yeah, the baby might have All Might's Quirk! Imagine a kid like that!" Kaminari interrupted.

I forced a smile back to my face, "Yeah...! Well, we don't care what their Quirk is, so long as they're healthy."

Izuku and I knew for a fact that the child wouldn't have anything near Toshinori's Quirk. He was Quirkless genetically, after all. If they were to have anything it would be plant related like mine.

Though above everything else, it was quite obvious that every student here wanted to protect my little growing family, and that touched my heart.


I woke up the next morning, groggy and looking at my phone. I don't think I fully processed seeing the news article suggestion on my screen.

'All Might and wife expecting child'

I sat straight up with wide eyes, noticing Toshinori wasn't in bed with me. I rolled out of bed to find him talking with someone in the living room. He looked distraught. I recognized him as Naomasa.

"Hi, my dear, how'd you sleep?" Toshinori waved sheepishly.

"I slept"

"Well enough."

"Why are you here so early in the morning, Naomasa?" I yawned and kept looking back and forth between the messages on my phone from extended family and others.

"I was just talking about it with All Might. Ah...well, it's about your father's case." He sighed, "It's actually super important."

I immediately sat down, at full attention to the present.

I needed to hear this. 

Sunflowers (All Might/Toshinori Yagi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now