2- Fire

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Wednesday was approaching faster than Yoongi anticipated. He went out with Seokjin and Namjoon on Monday; They ate in an ice cream shop since it was getting kinda hot and ice cream is the "perfect treat to battle the heat," as Kim Namjoon once said.

They talked about jobs and school. Aside from Yoongi, the two never had the need to get a job since they're both from very well off families. Yoongi realized then that almost all the Kims he knew were rich. Guess that's just how it is for royal descendants.

Next school year would be Yoongi and Seokjin's last year in their college, with the former finishing his music production course and the latter further pursuing culinary right after. Namjoon would be left alone for his last year, but he still has his other friends. One of his closest friends outside of their three people group is Jung Hoseok, but they never really talk about him unless it's completely necessary.

He woke up at 10 am the next day because the three of them stayed up until 3 am on skype. Yoongi showed them both the track he was working on and they both tried their best to give useful criticism despite the track sounding great already. Seokjin had fallen asleep somewhere in the middle.

Then, it was Tuesday night. Yoongi was on his phone, as usual, when his mom barged into his room, again.


The ravenette looked at his mom with a questioning gaze. "What is it?"

Mrs. Min grinned. "You're starting your job tomorrow! And good news, Mrs. Kim said you can take half days for when you have school since the boys might have school as well. She said it was most likely that they won't, so they'll just have to hire someone else to cover for the time you're gone."

"Oh, thank you mom," Yoongi sat up, looking grateful. "Did you ask her how old they are?"

"Ah," Mrs. Min smiled sheepishly. She ran a hand through her hair. "About that. I kinda... Forgot? You'll find out tomorrow anyway, no worries."

"But how will I prepare then?" In all honesty, Yoongi had expected her to forget so it was no surprise. He himself forgot about it until his mom mentioned the whole asking Mrs. Kim thing.

"Nah, you just have to feed them and watch over them," Mrs. Min smiled. "You're going to be fine. If you need anything from home, we're just across the street."

Yoongi sighed. It kind of gave him cold feet but he figured he should just... nail it. Overthinking won't bring him anywhere.

He couldn't stop doing it though.

"Anyway," Mrs. Min yawned. She pat his son's head, another sweet smile gracing her lips yet again. "I'm tired, I still have work tomorrow. I'm going to sleep, you go to sleep too, okay? Wash up now."

The ravenette waved at his mom who was leaving the room. "Yes, good night mom."

"Good night."

Once he was alone again, Yoongi rolled around on his bed in distress. Babysitting wasn't supposed to be such a daunting task. He felt anxious, whether he could actually do it right. He couldn't even eat on time, how would he be able to feed others...?

Yoongi grimaced. He sounded dumb in his own head, not knowing anything about basic care.

The teenager stood up and went to the bathroom. He proceeded to shower, before he decided he wanted to eat after he got dressed. It was already 10 pm by then but he didn't really care. Alarms exist for a reason.

(Not that he ever wakes up to them.)

He ate cereals quietly, which was disturbed by the loud ringing of his phone. Looking over, he saw his brother's contact on the screen. A request for a video call. Immediately, his face lit up.

Stupid, Spoiled Rich Kids (t.g.kook)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon