13- Wild

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"Why didn't you tell me you were gay?"

Taehyung said as he stood in the middle of the room with his arms crossed, looking at Jungkook who was scrolling on his phone. It was only the two of them since Yoongi already went home.

The younger male rolled his eyes. "I don't know yet, if I'm gay or not."

"Well, why did you not talk to me about it ever? I could've helped you."

"I wasn't sure, okay? And you aren't even sure about yourself yet. What can you possibly help me with?"

"You could've just opened up, dumbass!" Taehyung waved his hands in frustration. "Self-discovery shit! I won't even judge you!"

Jungkook propped himself up on his arms. "Why are you so bothered? Why is this such a big deal to you anyway?"

"Because!" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows as he struggled to get his words out. "We tell each other everything... We're literally the closest close people could ever be! I thought you trusted me."

"I do trust you... but there are some things I couldn't tell you, you know? This, for example. I wasn't comfortable," Jungkook said, tone faltering. It felt really weird to talk to Taehyung about things like this because they never talked about those... heart to heart bullshit.

Taehyung looked at him dejectedly, his arms folding in a defensive manner. "And you literally know every single thing about me."

"Not my fault you keep blabbering to me about your shit. It's not like I asked you to talk about them anyway."

The elder glared at him, then left the room. Jungkook felt like he crossed a line, but he couldn't bring himself to apologize. Why would he? It was Taehyung who barged in and bitched to him. He should be the one saying sorry.



When Yoongi arrived the next morning, he could already tell there was something off about the atmosphere in the house. The boys were literally on opposite sides of the room, not even breathing in each other's direction. They had their phones out, scrolling quietly. To say that Yoongi was perplexed is an understatement. The silence just felt so foreign— though he preferred it more than screams over mario kart— the silence was filled with negative energy radiating from the two.

Even in his room, the two didn't talk to each other but they still stayed inside. Jungkook laid on the couch while Taehyung sprawled out on the bed. Yoongi felt weirdly cornered whenever one of them would ask him about what he's doing then the other would pipe up with a different question. It felt like they were trying to one up each other, and Yoongi was caught in the middle.

He could only guess what they fought about as he worked on his desk, trying to answer the two as fairly as possible.


Arriving at the gym felt like getting out of a chokehold. Taehyung and Jungkook sat on either side of him in the van and it wasn't the most pleasant feeling. The tension was suffocating and he was glad that the two would be back to being busy.

When Yoongi sat down on his usual bench, he looked around to see if Seulgi was there. Girl was interesting to talk to. She was chill and nice.

He didn't see her so he settled for pretending to be busy on his phone, like he usually did.

It wasn't even thirty minutes later when Taehyung slumped down beside him. He was sweaty and panting but despite all that, he still looked good. Again, Yoongi was reminded of how unfairly beautiful the younger was. Tan skin and great body proportions? Literally the opposite of his pale skin and lanky frame. How blessed.

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