22- Give It To Me

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"Hello? Who's this?"

"We're here. Where are you?"

"Oh, yeah. Wait outside, I'll be out in a minute."

"Please hurry up, people are starting to look."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm on my way."

"Thank you," Jungkook hung up, and anxiously looked around. Taehyung stuck close behind him, hitching up the mask on his face.

"Where is he?"

"Said we wait."

"We've been waiting for minutes, what," Taehyung crossed his arms in annoyance. It has been 10 minutes too long and they were already catching eyes. A group of guys in leather jackets in the farther side of the street had been looking at them for quite a while now. It's making them uncomfortable. "Those guys are scary."

"Stop looking so scared then, you're basically cowering behind me. They'll think you're an easy target," Jungkook straightened the other's back, raising his chin. Taehyung jerked away from Jungkook's hand, glaring at the younger.

"I'm not cowering, dumbass."

"But you are, you idiot."

The two glared at each other, before they were snapped out of it when someone cupped both of their shoulders. Jungkook was ready to punch, and Taehyung basically jumped in his place. The alarm was obvious in their eyes until they were greeted by Namjoon's widened ones.

"Woah, chill," The tall male took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair, making the cousins sigh in relief. "Its just me."

"You scared us, hyung," Taehyung patted the older male's arm, putting a hand against his own chest. Namjoon merely laughed.

"What are you two doing, arguing out in public?"

Jungkook stepped away from Taehyung in distaste. "This stupid bitch."

The latter pushed his cousin's shoulder. "Fuck you."

Namjoon shook his head with an amused smile. It reminded him gravely of a certain couple, but he figured it wasn't appropriate to mention. He pulled out his wallet. "Here's your IDs, boys. Check your info."

The brunettes examined the cards given to them, fascination in their eyes.

"Damn, it looks real," Taehyung mumbled.

"I'm concerned by the fact that you're not concerned that we're doing something illegal," Jungkook commented, staring at his cousin with judgement. Taehyung merely shrugged.

"Yoongi-hyung and I used to do this all the time," Namjoon remarked. He remembered the first time they illegally entered a club, they were a nervous excited mess. "Until we became old enough at least."

"Wow, what rebels," Taehyung muttered. He looked up at the establishment one more time, reading the Midnight Escapade sign in neon pink. He could already hear the thump of the music.

Namjoon led them to the entrance, where a bouncer waited inside, looking all intimidating and shit. Taehyung and Jungkook put their strongest faces on, careful not to let uncertainty slip through their facade. They couldn't help but think that the bouncer could smell fear, and would gladly drag them out if they ever show it. 

"They're with me," Namjoon told the buff guy, who turned to them and looked at their IDs. The guy just moved aside, and tension bled out of the two boys' frames.

Upon entry, the first thing they noticed were the lights— or rather, the lack of it. It was very dim inside, with neon lights flashing everywhere. The place was packed, people mingled in all the places you could imagine. Loud music blasted off of the speakers, bass turned up high enough that you could feel the vibration in the air. It's like a highschool dance, but more mature, more wild. It's a whole new world that they weren't sure they were ready for yet.

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