9- Spring Day

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For the first time in the past week, Yoongi woke up on his own accord. It was a good Monday morning, with sunlight streaming through his opened blinds. Mrs. Kim didn't have work until Tuesday so he's on his day off.

The raven haired boy stretched on his bed, back arching like that of a cat's. It felt good knowing you don't have anything to get up for.

He didn't have anything planned for that day, nor for the whole summer if he was being honest. It was only 8:32 am— so much time to spend. Yoongi let himself drift off for a bit.

He woke up again at 10:42 am, feeling all sort of groggy. He just sighed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

It was a calm, not very sunny day. The sun shone from time to time as clouds passed by, none looking too heavy to rain. Yoongi decided it was a perfect day to go out.

He called up his friends, asking them to meet up at the mall. They were all okay with it, so eventually, Yoongi found himself walking around going from shop to shop with Seokjin and Namjoon. They weren't even buying much, just looking and joking around. It was a good day, indeed.


Said good day passed by too quickly for Yoongi's liking when he found himself back in his room again, boredly flipping through channels. Namjoon and Seokjin couldn't come over, which sucked. He wanted to spend time with them.

He checked Netflix for anything that might catch his interest, but he found none. His favorite movies weren't even there, which is sad because they're still paying for it. The only reason they kept the subscription is because everyone has it. Yoongi couldn't believe he's succumbing to social pressure.

The ravenette went over to his desk instead. There were a lot of scattered papers, filled with lyrics and notes and whatnot. It was a mess, mainly because he writes lyrics on separate pieces of paper then leaves them there unfinished and unsatisfied, but afraid to throw it away in case he might need the line in a different song or whatever. Yoongi debated cleaning it up and he eventually decided that he should, for the sake of getting motivated to finish his work. It's not really fun working on a messy desk.

Around 7 pm, Yoongi finished cleaning his space. His desktop and MIDI looked nice without papers and notebooks cluttered about. It felt so much more refreshing.

The ravenette sat down on his chair and solemnly touched his electric piano. He would love to have a real piano but that shit is too expensive; he could only comfort himself, thinking at least he has one. Everything related to music that he currently has had been paid by no one but himself. The equipment weren't cheap at all, but he worked hard to be able to buy them. He didn't want his parents paying more than his already expensive college tuition fee for him, so he never asked them for money to buy these stuff. They hasn't been the most supportive about music, they didn't really have the best relationship back then, but things changed for the better.

Yoongi ran his finger across the keys. Oh, how he wished he had a real piano in front of him. How he wished he could buy one. He could already picture where he would place it in his room. It's quite spacious, enough for a couch to be placed in the middl. If he moved his desk nearer to his closet, there would be enough space there for a piano.

Yoongi bit his lip. He really wants that.

He was soon called down for dinner. It was only him and his mom, but he was contented. He took a shower right after, and dressed up in his baggiest clothes because that's what's most comfortable for him. Clothes that don't cling to his body like second skin.

Yoongi sat down on his desk and pulled out one of his notebooks. The song he had been working on still has no title. He could play the melody on his electric keyboard, but it wouldn't sound as good as playing it with an actual piano. The first time he did, it was in the school's music room. He had the first few notes written down, and was still working on the next few lines. It had sounded so beautiful, and Yoongi felt so happy.

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