25- Lost Boy

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Taehyung ran past the stairs, and immediately knocked on Jungkook's door, which was locked. Just as he thought.

"Jungkook? Hey, Jungkook?"

He called out, heart beating wildly in his chest. His thoughts ran rampant in his head the longer he waited. Guilt and worry ate at him inside, voices taunting him.

"Jungkook, please open up," Taehyung kept knocking. He then hesitated, biting his lip. "Listen... I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. It's not your fault, none of this is your fault, okay?"

"I punched you first. I blamed everything on you even though you had a point, I was so fucking immature!"

I realize that now.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, I really am."

I mean it.

Taehyung could feel the prickling in his eyes. He leaned against the door, incessantly knocking. "Let me in, Jungkookie. Let's talk... Please."

The silence stretched out longer and longer. Still, Taehyung didn't leave his place. He stood firm, unable to stop a few stray tears from falling down his cheeks. Maybe then, Jungkook would see how sincere he is.

Taehyung is a prideful person, but he has too much to lose that even his pride stepped back in fear. Jungkook matters so much to him, even if he never said it out loud. He does not want a mere misunderstanding to wedge a gap between them.

Minutes passed slowly, seconds ticking in slow motion, and right when Taehyung thought he would have to wait there until tomorrow morning, there was a quiet sound of metal clacking from the other side. Taehyung perked up immediately.

The door then clicked open to the sight of a disheveled Jungkook avoiding Taehyung's gaze. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks flushed and tear streaked— a look so unusual on the younger, yet so heartbreaking.

I did that to him.

I made him cry.

Taehyung instinctively lowered his head in shame. Still, he eyed the suspicious dark stains on Jungkook's face. His gaze traveled down to the younger male's hand that was hidden behind him.

He let out a relieved breath, his shoulders easing down. "Thank you."

Jungkook merely retreated into the darkness of his room and went to sit on his bed. Taehyung turned on the lights, a cold chill running down his spine when he saw Jungkook's wall. The wood was damaged, the wallpaper ruined. The most concerning was the unmistakable blood stains mixed in the mess. He was about to ask when his eyes caught on his cousin's hand.

"Oh god, Jungkook..."

Taehyung strided over to the younger male, tentatively reaching out to the boy's hand. His knuckles were bleeding, the skin torn and damaged. Jungkook didn't seem to care though. He looked down at his hands indifferently, expression unreadable.

It broke Taehyung's heart. Made him want to slap himself because this was all his fault.

"I'm sorry," he whispered out, voice trembling. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to–"

"No, hyung," Jungkook closed and opened his fists. "Don't apologize. I was at fault too, it wasn't just you."

"No! I was being unfair! I was being irrational, immature, and i-inconsiderate," Taehyung's voice cracked with the weight of his confession. "I-I was a total asshole, I... I let my pride get the best of me and... You tried to bear with me as much as you can. But everyone has limits, Jungkook, you were at yours. A-And I pushed you there."

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