14- It Doesn't Matter

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The next few days passed by dully. The boys were back to their usual shenanigans, and Yoongi was back to tolerating their loud asses in his room whenever he would work on a track. Despite the disturbance, Yoongi was proud to say he finished his track Give it to Me. He had shouted in triumph once he finished it, making the two other people in the room share weird looks before they shrugged it off.

Yoongi soon received the news about Namjoon's arrival back in Korea. Seokjin had spammed his phone and called him as he was in the middle of just messing around with his tracks out of boredom.

"What do you want?" Yoongi said once he hit the green answer button after he declined it two times just to irk the older. It works everytime.

"Min Yoongi, how dare you decline my calls?!"

Taehyung and Jungkook both heard it from their place on the bed, the two sharing amused looks upon seeing Yoongi's grimace.

"Chill, hyung, I was working."

"You're always working! Give some time for your hyung! I deserve attention too!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he took off his headphones. "Okay but why did you call?"

"Namjoonie's back, my baby is back, the love of my life is-"

"-is back, alright, I get it."

"I'm so excited! I'm gonna see him again and-"

At that point, Yoongi had already tuned him out. The ravenette clicked away on his computer distractedly.

"-Yoongi-ah, are you listening?"

Yoongi blinked on his seat, remembering the ongoing phone call. "I'm sorry, what is it?"

"I said we should all meet up."

"Oh. When do you guys want to go?"

"Preferably, some time this week? On your day off perhaps?"

"Okay, sure. Let's do that. Monday?"

"Yeah- oh wait, I'm gonna go ask Joonie first. I'm calling back tonight in the group chat you BETTER be online."

"Yes, hyung. Love you."

"Love love my ASS when you don't even listen to a word I say."

"Love you, bye."

With that, the ravenette hung up. He immediately went back to his previous task, more absorbed into it than ever.

That afternoon, they went to the gym as usual. Yoongi had greeted Seulgi with a smile and a wave, to which the latter responded with ones of her own. Taehyung had demanded the same treatment as yesterday which Yoongi strongly refused to but still ended up doing it. The younger male had thanked him with a large smile and a tight hug. Yoongi's automatic response was to push him away, which Taehyung just laughed at. Jungkook just pouted at him until he sighed and massaged the boy's back as well; apparently, these two won't ever let the other one up them in practically everything. If one of them has something, the other one needs to have that too.

They went home walking, just like 3 days ago. Yoongi admired the sky, though it wasn't as windy as last time and not quite as clear skied, but there was something about the gloominess of the supposedly beautiful sunset that Yoongi found appealing in itself.

At some point, he was sitting on the grass yet again as he watched the boys run around on the grass field. He imagined what it would be like if they went to the lake, because he himself wanted to go to the lake but he only ever went there one time since they moved.

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