29- cologne

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The following week had been quite intense.

At least, for Jungkook and Taehyung.

The little banter they had at the arcade didn't stop there; they had these tiny little argument all the way until they went home.

"Are you guys really okay?" Yoongi had asked as soon as he was dropped off at his house.

"We're fine," Taehyung had answered, and Jungkook had nodded in agreement. Yoongi did not seem convinced.

As the days progressed though, Yoongi noticed how they became more... Competitive. They argue about literally anything.

Their banters, although playful in nature, were borderline offensive. They'd be jabbing at each other's insecurities then laughing it off. Yoongi did not fully understand this weird character development but he could get used to it. As long as they don't end up in another fight, everything's... Good.

Yoongi figured he did not have much time to worry about the boys; school is about to start. The beginning of a new semester was just around the corner and he hadn't registered yet. Since school is still about a week or two away, he still have time to talk to Mrs. Kim about the changes in their arrangement. For now, he has to manage his enrollment.


"Nani the fuck?!"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at Taehyung's choice of words.

"You're serious, hyung?" Jungkook asked, disbelief painting his face.

"Yes, I'm serious, why wouldn't I be?" Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I already told you guys, this is just a summer thing. I need to go to school too, you know."

"We need to go to school too, but we still don't start in about a month or so," Taehyung said. "So who's gonna watch over us?"

"You're literally 17."


Taehyung looked genuinely serious so Yoongi rolled his eyes once again. "Whatever, that's what I talked to Mrs. Kim about. We've come to an agreement."

Jungkook and Taehyung leaned in, listening intently to what Yoongi has to say.

"So I told Mrs. Kim about my school, she said I can still keep working part time, but since I obviously can't be with you in the morning, she'll just have to find a replacement."

"A replacement?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi realized what his words might seem to them, so he backtracked.

"Well, no, more like... A substitute? 'Cuz I'm still gonna be coming over every afternoon. This schedule will start next next week, and will last until you guys start school. Then, this whole babysitting thing would be cut off."

It didn't seem like such a big deal at first, but seeing the solemn look in the two boy's eyes made something churn inside Yoongi's chest.

"So you'll stop coming over?" Jungkook asked, voice tinged with sadness that Yoongi did not know how to deal with.

"Basically," Yoongi forced out through gritted teeth. "It's not like we have to cut contacts or anything. Yeah, this whole arrangement would have to stop but we're still friends. You can call me, or text me. You can come over anytime."

"Do you mean that?" Taehyung looked at him with suspicion. Yoongi could only chuckle at their almost childish reactions.

He has to admit, he would miss the two. It's not often that you get to meet such... Rich, but talented and genuine people. You'd think they'd be stuck up spoiled brats but— well, they are— Yoongi has seen another side to these spoiled brats that made them endearing to him. Not that he'd ever say it out loud. He developed this... What can he call it... Protectiveness? Because even though they can be annoying little shits sometimes, they're his annoying little shits to take care of. They're annoying little shits with talent and passion flowing in their veins— teenagers chasing a sense of freedom, just like himself.

Stupid, Spoiled Rich Kids (t.g.kook)Where stories live. Discover now