6- Learn to Lose

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Taehyung put on his gucci headband, fluffing his hair up in the mirror.

"Do we really need to go to the gym in the clubhouse? I mean, you have your own gym here. Why go away?" Jungkook asked from his place on Taehyung's bed. He was throwing a ball into the air.

"No reason," Taehyung nodded at his appearance. He looked fine. "It's boring here."

"Psh, you're just looking for a fling in the gym, aren't you?" Jungkook threw the ball at Taehyung who rolled his eyes at the ridiculous suggestion.

"Of all the places to look at, the gym? Whatever, Jungkook."

"Why not? There's a lot of hot people in the gym. And you're a player. I don't see where I'm wrong."

Taehyung threw the ball back at Jungkook. "You sure you aren't the one with that intention?"

"Nah," Jungkook stood up. They both exited the room, gym bags in hand. "I'm too young for that. I haven't even been in a relationship yet."

"Shut your trap."

"What? I'm an angel."

"No you're not, you lil shit. You're just a narcissist who thinks you're too good for anyone else."

"Don't come at me, I'm not the one with low fucking standards when it comes to partners. This is why you always get your heart broken."

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the younger. He decided to just ignore him.

Yoongi sat on the couch downstairs, still scrolling on his phone. Taehyung called out for him but he had his earbuds on.

The brunette scowled, yanking one earbud off when Yoongi didn't notice him even as he stood in front of him.

"Rude ass," Yoongi said, glaring at Taehyung. They could've just tapped his shoulder or something.

"I don't really like being ignored."

The three of them waited by the front door as Susan went to get one of the drivers. Yoongi took the bag filled with water bottles from the said maid with a polite smile.

Once settled in the car, Taehyung told the driver to head to the clubhouse.

It wasn't a very long ride, they arrived within minutes and Yoongi found himself shaking in his boots as he walked behind the two boys. Except he was wearing sneakers, and he was just lightly trembling. Susan smiled at him, sensing his discomfort, but he didn't want to bother her so he just smiled back.

The clubhouse was beautiful, he had seen it before but it never failed to leave him in awe. He doesn't know how his parents managed to get them in such a classy village.

Since the village isn't very populated, there wasn't a lot of people in the gym. There were maybe 6 people, but that's about it. Yoongi still felt uncomfortable though. He doesn't know what these people would think about him if they found out he's a freaking babysitter of two grown kids.

Jungkook and Taehyung situated on treadmills, and Yoongi took a seat on the bench nearest them. He pulled out his phone once he was seated. It has become second nature now, trying to act busy on his phone so people wouldn't bother him.

"Tae-hyung," Jungkook tapped on his cousin's shoulder. "Hyung, let's see who can run the fastest."

"You're on," Taehyung handed his bag over to Yoongi. Jungkook does the same, barely even glancing at the elder who barely caught it.

"Brat," Yoongi sneered under his breath.

As they two went on to compete with each other on the treadmill, Yoongi on the other hand called their group chat.

Stupid, Spoiled Rich Kids (t.g.kook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora