19- Lost Stars

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Taehyung and Jungkook exclaimed in unison as they dragged Yoongi inside the house. The elder had a whole bag filled with clothes but of course it slipped the boys' minds because they were too excited. Mrs. Kim merely smiled as she sat on the couch in the living room downstairs. They soon had to bid her goodbye, of course, not without excessive affection from Mrs. Kim. Taehyung and Jungkook shied away from the older woman's loving touch, and she teased them saying they were only wearing their big boy pants because Yoongi was watching. The ravenette had laughed, but Mrs. Kim couldn't have been more accurate.

The two had waved enthusiastically at the car getting further and further away before they tugged Yoongi back inside the house.

It was past 1 pm that afternoon, they were supposed to head out to the gym. Yoongi low-key anticipated it, so he was confused when the boys said they didn't want to go to the gym.

"Let's go down the lake instead!" Taehyung suggested. Yoongi wasn't opposed to the idea; he wanted to do that some time ago already.

"Yoongi-hyung, wear jogging pants. We're going biking."

The older male was quite anticipating it. It's been a very long time since he rode a bike.

Once outside, Taehyung told him to hop onto the seat behind him.

"Are you sure you can take my weight?" the ravenette asked, voice laced with uncertainty.

"You weight nothing, it'll be fine. Trust me," Taehyung flashed him a genuine boxy smile that had Yoongi following through immediately.

The three of them hit the road wearing long sleeves and snapbacks, with Jungkook a few feet ahead because he loves speeding. Yoongi, not so much, so Taehyung was forced to keep a decent pace.

"Hyung, we're falling behind! Don't you think we should go faster?"

"Just tell Jungkook to slow the fuck down, he's gonna break his neck with that speed."

"We're barely hitting 20 mph!"

"That's good."

Taehyung shook his head. "Fuck it. Hold on tight, Yoongi-hyung!"

The mentioned male's eyes instantly widened. "Wha- Kim Taehyung!"

The brunette rose to his feet and began to pedal furiously. Yoongi was left to hang on for dear life onto the boy's blue shirt, heart picking up the faster they went.

"Kookie!" Taehyung shouted, grabbing Jungkook's attention who was only a few feet away.


"No, Jungkook wait-"

Jungkook made the wrong move of swerving to the left to look at them. Taehyung was surging forward, and they had a split second to swerve apart or the latter would've bashed into him.


Yoongi had lost all the color in his face when it happened, hands fisted on the younger's shirt. Taehyung was thrown off his course and they wobbled on two wheels. Somehow, both riders managed to regain their balance, Jungkook much faster than Taehyung. The former even had the audacity to laugh at them as if it wasn't partly his fault.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook! What are you laughing at?" Yoongi scowled at him, but the boy merely laughed harder.

"You should've seen the look on your faces!" Jungkook's bunny teeth were all exposed as he threw his head back, eyes squinted. "The panic on Taehyung-hyung's face! Yoongi-hyung, you looked like your soul left you!"

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