20- Into You

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The first sleepover... Was a success, if you asked Taehyung.

He had been wanting to ask Yoongi to stay over for some time now. He would casually let it slip around Jungkook in some occasions, though he would always be met with an indifferent gaze so he figured Jungkook just didn't care. When the younger subtly suggested it to his mom, Taehyung was ecstatic.

To say that he was excited is an understatement. He had sketched out an outline of the night only to throw it away when he realized how stupid it was.

Taehyung barely held back his excitement when the night finally arrived. The first game of Jenga that the three of them played was so much fun. Yoongi was eager to not lose, and it was funny watching Jungkook get all darn competitive. Taehyung's highlight of the game was when they began teasing Yoongi that he wouldn't be able to reach the top of the tower if the game kept going.

"Try me, assholes," the older male had said, hands on his waist with a pissed look on his face. They couldn't take him seriously.

In the end, Yoongi lost. He was supposed to cook alone downstairs but the two tagged along anyway.

The maids offered to help but Yoongi was quick to decline. They had laughed and bantered as the popcorn popped inside the microwave.

Once back in Jungkook's room, they turned on Netflix and got comfortable on the bed. They settled with binging Lucifer since Yoongi haven't finished the series yet, and the boys liked it enough to watch it again.

Taehyung didn't remember when or how they fell asleep. He was the first one to wake up so he saw just how messy they looked on the bed. Jungkook was facing the headboard, with Yoongi's head laying on his lower back. Both of them were hugging pillows, and Taehyung flushed when he realized that his face was almost facing Yoongi's butt in his sleep because the ravenette was semi-curled up, and Taehyung was hugging his legs.

The breakfast that morning was particularly bigger to accommodate the new addition, except that it was almost way too big. Taehyung thought they were gonna have a feast when the maids kept bringing in more food.

Jungkook yawned before he grinned at the food on the table. "Wow, if breakfast is gonna be this grand whenever you're around, you should just start living here, Yoongi-hyung!"

Taehyung nodded, mind still slightly muddled with sleep. "Yeah, this could serve five people, honestly."

Yoongi came in through the door that connected the dining room to the kitchen, shaking his head at their remarks. He held a tray with three glasses and a pitcher of water. A maid followed behind him, holding a pitcher of orange juice.

"Apparently, Mrs. Kim advised the maids to be as accommodating as possible," Yoongi sat down on one of the chairs, thanking the other maid. "She probably forgot that you're both on a diet."

The two boys merely shrugged before they dug in.


Around 11 pm, Yoongi was comfortably lounging in his room after taking a well-needed shower. Suspiciously, the boys hadn't bothered him since two hours ago. Not complaining though, more time for himself.

Yoongi spoke too soon.

He was happily chatting with Namjoon and Seokjin about how their day went when a giddy Taehyung suddenly barged into his room, Jungkook trailing behind. The latter looked quite troubled with his eyebrows furrowed in an emotion that Yoongi couldn't quite put a finger on, while Taehyung had this big, mischievous grin on his lips. They buzzed with dumb and dumber energy.

"Up to no good again, I see," Yoongi deadpanned as Taehyung jumped onto the edge of his bed.

"You have to come with us," the brunette said, moving his head with sass.

Stupid, Spoiled Rich Kids (t.g.kook)Where stories live. Discover now